The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

If you buy a Supreme Court justice can you make them wear those cute little robes whenever they come over? That sounds a lot cooler then a yacht imo

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I think I need to tune all of this out before I lose it. I’d bet my life absolutely nothing happens.

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Think this guy has Thurgood Marshall’s death mask somewhere in the garage?


If anyone had asked me a couple of weeks ago if Thomas was accepting gifts from billionaire benefactors, I would have said absolutely.

So this story isn’t a surprise at all. But, man, like you, it really, really bothers me. It has made me so f-ing angry over the last week, I don’t know why this - of all stories - has done me in.

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Sure he bought it for posterity, but if Thomas’ mom is living there, wouldn’t it be nice to not kick her out, and you know fix up the place for her while she’s there? It’s what a friend would do.

You joke but SCOTUS ruled basically that.


Bwahahahahahaha lolololololol

lol you literally can’t make this shit up. :man_shrugging:

In before we find out that Clarence, Ginni, and Harlan are like Jerry Jr, Becki, and the pool Boy.

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I have a similar relationship with Judge Mathis.

Billionaires are known for their generosity.

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From ABA
Journal, 2009.

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If we were in Trump’s 2nd term I have a feeling that most GOP senators would be calling for Thomas’ resignation and/or teeing up an investigative committee.


Thomas had been on the bench for almost 20 years at that point. That net worth is preposterous.


Check out Breyer selling stock so he wouldn’t have a conflict of interest on some cases.

What a schmuck. Nobody cares about that shit. He could have bought or sold stock the day before a decision about that stock got released.

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This is a great point

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