The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Not real life


How to win friends and influence people? Apparently free ultra luxury vacations do the trick.


I love all the biggest scumbags in the world telling on themselves. You people just don’t understand. Crow was kind enough to lend me his personal spare klan robe when mine got dirty before the big gathering. He even let me light the cross when technically it was his turn. He’s a true gentleman.




Interesting. Seems the “banned” drug is the less commonly used and less important part of medicated abortion.

Im sure they’ll stop after this one if it goes through…

Also, taking the other pill alone is slightly less effective and is associated with more side effects (greater bleeding, more pain, etc). There is a reason why the two medication regimen was designed.

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Designed by who? A bunch of scientists?

Pffft. Did they even run it by a judge with no scientific or medical training at all?


We can make crow and a donkey contemplating in ai now.

LOL at this absolutely toothless, on-brand wimpy shit from Dems. Straight-up loser language: “this is a situation that must be addressed.” Nice passive voice from a US Senator, you coward. Then he really finishes with a powerful zinger about how (only AFTER the SC fails to police itself, mind you) they will “consider legislation to fix it.” Fuck you. Fuck you if you can’t even issue a decent statement about this blatant corruption. Worthless fucks.


A letter!

It’s not incompetence. It’s collusion.

Short article that sums it up. Really the title is the best summation

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This is from Matt Levine’s column, where he talks about a recent insider trading charge related to certain kinda-complex special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) mergers.

Interestingly, the tipper was “good friends” with the tipee and was paid via luxury vacations they took together [shocked pikachu]. Why, that hardly seems like compensation at all, much less compensation for engaging in a criminal conspiracy.

This let Wygovsky know what SPAC deals were coming, so he allegedly found out more about them and tipped Matthaei, who then allegedly traded in his personal account and paid Wygovsky back with luxury vacations:

After receiving this material nonpublic information, Wygovsky tipped Matthaei through communications on Telegram about the merger between Tortoise and Hyliion for the purpose of Matthaei trading based on that information. …

In total, Matthaei’s long position in Tortoise securities generated illicit profits of approximately $1,489,026.

On June 27, 2020, following the Tortoise merger announcement, Wygovsky and Matthaei travelled together with their families to Saint Barthélemy in the Caribbean. Matthaei paid a total of approximately $41,950 for the group to travel by private jet, and approximately $76,050 for both families to stay at a luxury private villa.

On August 1, 2020, Matthaei paid approximately $38,500 for Wygovsky and his family to travel from Saint Barthélemy to Nantucket using a private jet.

The classic way for insider trading to work is that there is an insider with the information who cannot trade on it because it would be too obvious, so he gives the information to his friend, the friend trades on it, and then the friend pays the insider back for the information. The most traditional way for the friend to pay back the insider is by handing him a paper bag full of cash in a parking lot, but really you are limited only by your imagination, and I guess by the amount of profits. If you make $1.5 million on an insider tip, I suppose the classy way to thank the tipper is by paying for his private jet from St. Barths to Nantucket.

IRS should open investigation on Thomas - good chance he didn’t pay taxes properly on all those gifts.

LOL the taxes alone would be more than his alleged income

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The recent (premium) 5-4 podcast on Rehnquist is absolutely amazing. Basically an ironclad presentation of him being a complete piece of shit.