The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Have you been recently? I’ve heard quality has started to suffer after they got bought by Landry’s.

It used to be one of my favorite places when I was in NYC.

This really isn’t a response to you, it’s responding to a lot of the comments, I just happened to pick yours to quote.

Above is a different issue. I have no doubt that most people with a little bit of effort and research could absolutely produce a steak that is at least as good as any of those places or better. And it can be done at a fraction of the cost. Same is true for nearly all the classic steakhouse sides.

So if you are looking for at least as high quality at a dramatically lower price point, you would never go to a steakhouse (which is more or less where I’m at right now).

But if you do decide to go to a steakhouse for reasons of convenience (or whatever), Morton’s is a suboptimal choice as there are non-chain places that are a clearly a bit better at a similar price point. Although Morton’s may be suboptimal, it’s a bit much to say that it is bad. It’s completely fine for what it is.

I’m sure that’s true, I have not been in quite a while. Back in the day it was great, I used to go to the West Hollywood one all the time. They closed it a while ago and now there’s one downtown, I’ve been a couple of times and it had way less atmosphere.

Guess you guys haven’t eaten at the Outback Steakhouse.


Mock it all you want but when you want some genuine Alice Springs Chicken there’s only one restaurant chain on earth that has it.

We used to go but the last 3-4 years it’s really bad

When we want an affordable steak and don’t want to cook we go to Long Horn. Always good.

This is the place to go for (what used to be) an $11 steak. I have it bookmarked and always rewatch… one of these days if I am in L.A.

“Alice Springs Chicken” really ought to be snake meat imo

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A ChrisV Outback Steakhouse TR would have some serious entertainment potential.


Ha… Just had Alice springs chicken about 2 hours ago.

Won’t need to go back to outback steakhouse for another 5 years.

The question is where can Kav go to eat in peace? Think of the justices.

He should start a YouTube channel about how to cook at home because protestors keep interrupting your restaurant meals.


Hit up a Brazilian or Argentinian steak house for a different experience imo.

That said, I almost never eat steak. Got no beef going to a chain if I’m in America.

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I love these places when you want to go full carnivore.

fucking blow it all up jfc


Mentions are pretty excited about the shirt.

Trying to work out how much per hour I would need to be paid to wear that in public.

Well that’s a woman’s shirt. So I assume a lot, right?

That’s so cringe.

That is the least of my worries.