The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

I was just there for a few days, but the neighborhood was not a tourist place. I went to the Pyramids, which were obviously a tourist place, but the neighborhood was a big place and most of the people there were just Spanish speaking people who seemed to live there. I don’t think the police presence was significantly different than in LA or SF.

Understatement of the century.

You’re not (close to) a median income resident. Your lens is diluted to the point of worthlessness. It’s like a millionaire in the US trying to argue the justice system here is fair.

I hope you took up some of the many merchants’ offers while there. Magnificent place.

I mean the US isn’t the very worst country in the world in every single regard. Costa Rica, Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil and Uruguay allow same sex marriage - Brazil and Uruguay before the US.

Except I’m not arguing that. I’m telling you that the system you’re defending sucks so much that the “medium income residents” live in fear. Way to score points trying to justify an American feeling safer in Mexico than in his home country.

I bought a hat because it was sunny and I didn’t have one.

I’m so fucking old I remember being mad about this in 2000.



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Police in Mexico are incomparably more dangerous than police in the USA for wealthy people.

For poor people, it’s probably much closer and location dependent. In Mexico there isn’t a culture of demonizing and terrorizing poor people by the state, like there is in the USA. But then again, there are things like this:

hahahah great pic


This is great

To understand whether Kavanaugh had a right to dinner at Morton’s, we must first look to the pre-constitutional context of medieval England to understand dinner’s place in the Anglo-American legal tradition. Antonin Scalia relied upon this time period in his majority opinion in District of Columbia v. Heller, as did Justice Samuel Alito in his majority opinion in Dobbs. There is surely no better way to decide the scope of rights enjoyed by Americans living in 2022 than by surveying the works of legal thinkers from a different country, most of whom died well before the first shot was fired at Lexington and Concord.





Amazing stuff

They’re not investigating the clerk, they are investigating the judges that hired her, including the Chief of the 11th Circuit.

Writers are getting lazy

Sounds like they decided that Krystal Klanton was just too on the nose.


man, the Thomas marriage must really be something else…


O/U on the number of times Ginni has used the n-word to refer to Clarence? If the line is 1, I’m pounding the over.