The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

I have a good friend whose husband had a transplant that was failing after a few years.

It turns out his best friend was a stellar match. It’s been a minute but last I heard it was going very well with kidney #2. Much better than the first one.

It never ceases to amaze me as to how we’re always on the verge of living in a scientific utopia and also a modern hellscape.


That’s why there are so many sci-fi stories with an elite and technical society living the good life “above” off the labor of the poors and backwards “lower” society. (Elysium, the time machine…)

Coming to America


Probably getting Dobbs and/or New York Rifle today, so all hell is going to break loose.

Seems unlikely. It’s not the last opinion day of the year and they’re a bunch of drama queens, so probably next Monday/Wednesday for them. Anything is possible I suppose but I think if we get juicy ones they’re more likely to be West Virginia v EPA or Biden v Texas. Other than that they’re just going to clear the decks of cases nobody gives a shit about to prep for the main event. Alito is probably trying to push for reading Dobbs from the bench like the old days with the notorious ACB dressed up in a handmaid’s costume next to him.

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I didn’t realize they’re announcing opinions tomorrow too. Going to revise my estimate of likeliness to “maybe” on the big 2 now. I didn’t realize they were sprinting this hard to the finish. I assume it still stretches into next week though and that’s the most likely time for Dobbs and to a lesser extent NY Rifle.

I hope they delay it as long as possible as it’s just more time women can get healthcare they need.


It was 8-1 LOL

Oh shit we did get NYSR, 6-3, written by Thomas. Need a harold emoji

guns, guns everywhere

SCOTUS going hard on the “rights, but no remedies” theme. I’ll listen to the incoming 5-4 podcast on this, but I’m pretty sure I can map out that entire conversation.

The court holds that New York’s “proper-cause” requirement to obtain a concealed-carry license violates the Constitution by preventing law-abiding citizens with ordinary self-defense needs from exercising their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms in public for self-defense.

Just a 4 word ruling: “sun’s out guns out”


basically you can always have a gun now and states can’t make you get a license

Breyer going out in a blaze of glory with what looks like a 50 page dissent