The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

There’s gotta be a way to do something similar right? Make it so any citizen can sue a gun store if a gun kill’s someone?

Your thinking relies on thinking SCOTUS will be self-consistent rather than playing Calivinball in service of conservative aims. If they gut Roe and allow this sort of enforcement, we’re into Calvinball territory.


There is already a federal law immunizing gun shops.

Sorry sir, gun ownership is protected by our beautiful 2nd amendment and demands immediate action whereas baby murdering is a “right” that a bunch of liberal activist judges made up. Checkmate. See you in the next round of Calvinball.

but what if you perform an abortion via a gun? chessmate alito

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Hell yea guys can’t wait to 9 unelected people to doom future generations

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Yeah Majority Report talked about this case. It’s got massive, massive implications.


Thank you RBG. You helped destroy the planet. That should be your legacy.


“They’ll never actually do those terrible things, they know it’s unpopular!”

I don’t recall if you favor a violent revolution or just saying I told you so, but neither of those have particularly good track records, either.

Some conservative tears online about Barrett and Kavanaugh due to this:

The dissent is just a series of stringed along statements trying to get to where the justices want.

They claim that because the Maine mandate has a medical exemption and the law only says that the employers has to accept the medical exception. That means they’re accepting it without verifying that there is indeed a medical condition that would prevent vaccination.

Because people could theoretically put anything down and get a medical exception, even non medical stuff, it means that you have to have a religious exception because you know if you have something else you have to have a religious exemption.

Arguments are happening right now for the Texas “tell on your neighbor” abortion law. I’m not following super closely, but it is apparently a complete shitshow, with Coney Barrett and Kavanaugh sounding more reasonable than expected, and Alito and Gorsuch being insane. God, I hate Alito.

Live argument here: Live Oral Argument Audio

Kagan doesn’t get much love on this site, but I like her and this rules:


I wouldn’t call it a shitshow. Congressional hearings are shitshows. If only Congressional hearings could be as tightly constructed and executed as Supreme Court hearings.

Fair point - it’s not like one of the lawyers showed up drunk, naked, or with a snowball to argue that global warming doesn’t exist. I guess I was using it as shorthand for “The questions posed by the justices, and the responses provided by the lawyers, often seem quite divorced from the case at hand and in many cases completely lacking any logical coherence.”

This is probably my favorite SCt reporter on Twitter, has a long thread.

I mean, there is zero value to oral argument in this case, other than dunking on the conservatives.

There is no way to pretend this is anything other than a political exercise. The question before the court is “how insane is Brett Kavanaugh.”

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7-2 is the new unanimous.


What is TX SG? Isn’t it the Texas Attorney General?

Probably a minion.

Is it the “Solicitor General”?