The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

I feel like the smart political play for a Republican SCOTUS would be to do exactly what they did - ignore it and let it continue to play as a culture wars wedge issue for the right for years to come.

Like the worst thing for Rs would be for SCOTUS to ban transgender people from using the bathroom of their choice. No more wedge issue! Second worst thing would be for SCOTUS to pronounce the issue settled that they can use the bathroom of their choice.

yeah, there’s clearly long game at play here. they already did one public school case this year. if they are going to rule on lgbtq+ teens, they need a case where they can clearly carve out a religious exception at the same time.

What makes you think this?

My inner @SweetSummerChild?


Thought you might be referencing the recent supreme court decision that allows more benefits along with NCAA’s recent change on NIL laws.

It was more of a reference to some of the discussions ITT last week when the NCAA ruling came out.

Just the weird way my brain works I guess.

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meh, there’s no end of wedge issues they can invent. For guns it makes sense to do nothing and let it be a culture war flashpoint forever because it means their donors can sell more guns and ammo because OBUMMER COMING TO GET YOUR GUNS is always right around the corner. You can’t really sell anything on bathrooms or kids sports.

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Welcome to "we’re fucked"ville

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Should probably include this

Love to wake up to a 6-3 opinion written by Alito, with all 3 liberals dissenting. Regardless of the case, that is literally the nut low lineup.

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The headline I saw said it did not discriminate on race. I felt they left off “, but it wouldn’t mattered if they thought it did”.

They are full of shit and we are fucked.

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If you’d like to put yourself on life tilt I strongly recommend going over to scotusblog and reading the comments from fucking morons in their live blog lamenting all of the coverage of the court as an ideological body even though they had a few unimportant cases with “weird” lineups. Just some of the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet and yet they’re reading/posting on scotusblog so they’re probably in the top 1% of people who are “informed” on the Supreme Court.


SCOTUS - as long as each law only nudges the outcome a little towards one side - no big deal. Also - hey things are better than 1982, so quit whining liberals.

lol even reading their bullshit reasoning and thinking they’ll apply it consistently in the next case, the Supreme Court is a wholly owned subsidiary of the GOP

Also Stephen Breyer can choke on his own vomit any day now, what a clown.


Today’s ruling seems mega-mega bad. It will also further embolden the GOP to continue to pass worse and worse laws and probably straight up cheat in the future if they are not already. It is also probably a preview of how 2022/2024 litigation would go should we end up in the predictable situation where the results are litigated.

The next step is the GOP actually stealing elections and the Supreme Court saying “yeah that was bad but there is no remedy” and “if people don’t like it they should elect different people,” see the gerrymandering decision for the roadmap.

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The probability of Republicans stealing an election is high enough that we should think carefully about what kind of response we should have and how far we are willing to go in defense of democracy. Ultimately, that’s a personal decision for everyone to decide how much democracy is worth to them, but we should be contemplating it now instead of waiting for reality to slap us in the face on Election Day.

The two choices seem to be leave or:


It is not a certainty in my opinion we get to straight up rigged elections though. We are heading that direction but aren’t there yet and hopefully don’t get there.

I’m more creative than that.

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