The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

seriously, given this stuff, if Trump or one of his henchmen wins the whitehouse in 24, I suspect we won’t see any more federalist society-backed nominees. We’re gonna get Don Jr and we’ll probably see the court expanded.

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Lol Federalist Society true believers. It’s honestly shocking a GOP president didn’t bypass that pipeline for nakedly partisan (and actually loyal) imbeciles sooner.

They live in fear because they know how fucked up the stuff they want to do to liberals is and assume we’re over here plotting even more fucked up shit than they can think of to do to them.

It’s why they invent fantasies like Q to explain how actually the boring milquetoast shit eDems are pushing is a coverup for their pedophilic adrenochrome harvesting operations or whatever.


The gop and federalist society agenda was perfectly aligned prior to trump. They were loyal as fuck. Look at the 2000 election lol.

It wasn’t until Trump came along that their interest are no longer aligned

Also this court is probably just buying good will with rulings they don’t care about while Dems are still a threat. Shit will get wild once the voter suppression locks them out of a trifecta.


yeah, people thinking that loyal buffoon for a judge started with thomas are sorely mistaken. what’s new is fed soc being so explicit in grooming judgeships for 3 decades in the open, and democrats simply extending their arms in exasperation and doing nothing to counter. it’s a wonder the law schools are still somewhat liberal leaning, but we are probably 2-3 years away from fedsoc flexing the muscle and forcing out undesirable professors in favor of all the rubenfeld and chua clones out there.

The court seems to have intersected here on liberal concern for student athletes and right-wing desire to stick it to universities.


I kinda think this really was the NCAA’s business model being indefensible at every level. Even Kav is like “woah that’s some shady shit, brah.”

Kav had another opinion early on where he also called out obvious racism.

My fear is the NCAA will use this as an excuse to gut women’s sports.

Ya I could see this happen for sure. Although not much left to gut.

I don’t see how you get there.

They could lean on Congress to gut Title IX.

NCAA has properly demonstrated they have no power on congress though. They made a huge push on NIL and got absolutely nothing.

So just stop doing it and SCOTUS gut it. You know they hate it.

I also highly doubt that college presidents, heads of easily some of the most reliably liberal institutions in the nation that answer to even more liberal people, would go for such an obvious scam. They’d have to be far more subtle about things.

We also saw what happened this year when NCAA budgets get stressed, non-revenue sports both male and female get cut.

Maybe I’m a little sensitive to this kind of thing, as there’s been a long history of assholes saying ‘but whataboutwomen’ wrt amateur status stuff, and it’s been mostly dishonest bullshit. Not saying that’s you obivously.

This is not true.

Athletic departments purposely structure their budgets so that they are always broke, for the same reasons that Oscar famously explains to Michael Scott. They have to spend their money constantly to justify their incomes.


“Fine you wanna pay the players, you don’t get X thing we think libs care about anymore” mashes the sweet spot of right wing boomer lizard brain thinking. They’ll probably implement some blatantly discriminatory rules that are sure to be overturned by courts against the advice of their attorneys.

I’m so confused they keep getting it right! This all has to be the partisan foreplay setting up the important smack downs like Roe, elections and guns.

Power-tripping high school administrators don’t have any pull with the SCOTUS, they can all vote for whatever they feel like.