The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Rs would use that “precedent” that Ds set on healthcare or whatever to go full fascist when they next get the Presidency.

pretty sure we’re already at the point where Rs are going full fascist, regardless of what Ds do.

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They aren’t.

Democrats fold every hand, so why not raise every pot?


Yeah, that’s fair. Dems need to learn a little GTO for sure.

I dunno though, it seems like once you have SCOTUS Justices out there making political speeches and rallying against covid restrictions, at the very least that’s gonna harm their perception with the public as “above it all.” Now, that perception was wrong (they are definitely just politicians in robes), but I think it’s pretty broadly held.

The GOP controls the Court for the foreseeable future. It might feel fun to spike the football, and you’re likely correct that Dems won’t (can’t) do much in the short-term, I just wonder whether the damage to credibility is really worth it for the party that currently controls the Court.

There is no damage to the GOPs credibility. They are gaining credibility with their base.

I meant damage to the Court’s credibility.

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Conservatives are always playing the victim because their whole world view is built around complaining. The blacks are taking over, the Mexicans are coming, Democrats want your money, blah blah blah. They absolutely never offer any kind of positive, forward-looking vision for anything. They literally don’t have a policy agenda.

And the Dems lose to these people routinely.


Well the important thing is that we don’t use the words “socialism” or “defund”

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Well, corporations have also been massively successful selling consumer products and services based on appeals to buyers’ worst emotional impulses. It’s not a losing strategy.

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Certainly not if your opponent spends all of their time trying to defend themselves against you and never counter attacks.

alito had given political speeches since before his nomination. this isn’t new at all, and somewhat amazing that we noticed it now with the news cycles being what they are.

These dudes must be so miserable. There is no humor or joy in their lives. They seem to spend 100% of their waking hours searching for, or complaining about, resentments. What a terrible way to live.

There’s a lot of resentment over losing the culture. All the laws in the world can’t save you from having to see a biracial child in a Cheerios commercial.


can you cite? I’d buy that he has given political speeches, but I doubt they have been this explicit or aggressive.

what i remember is clips from tv programs where he demonstratively be showing to the audience his Federalist Society membership card from the podium. the theatrics would not be out of place if it had been delivered by lenin. so thanks to your request i went looking, and surprisingly not a lot of speeches are on youtube. like almost none at all. even the confirmation hearings are wholly incomplete. i wonder how well they scrubbing it of quite a few things. anyways, no cite that i can find.

however, i also found that federalist society has a youtube channel, where they have some speeches, but also have videos that explain some current cases. seems … interesting.

Wasn’t Alito the asshole who mouthed “not true” after Obama very accurately described Citizens United during the SOTU? He’s been a deplorable fuckwad forever.

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yes, there are a few youtubes about that

Not SCOTUS, but putting here because Trump judges…


It’s crazy how Trump did all this work to place 35-year-old religious nutter judges - but all they’re going to do is destroy abortion and LGBTQ rights - something he doesn’t give a crap about either way. None of them are ruling in his favor on the election. He’s got to be wondering where’s my payback.