The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Let’s put this in perspective as well. All of these men are war criminals


No they’re not. Bush Jr is the only one that’s close.

George W is an obvious war criminal. His administration told lies that led to Iraq invasion and all it’s associated crimes against humanity.

Clinton sent a cruise missile to destroy a building known to manufacture pharmaceuticals in Sudan. Crime against humanity, or war crime? You decide.

HW invaded Panama and estimated thousands dead.

Reagan supplied weapons to Latin american death squads. Crime against humanity or war crime? You decide.

Obama drone striked American citizens without due process, and targeted civilians.

That’s just off the top of my head. Sounds like a bunch of war crimes to me.

You seem to be equating “war crimes” with “ordered overseas military action”. They are not the same thjng.

Whatever euphemism let’s you sleep well at night.


Lol. Fuck off


Serious question. Has there ever been a country leader, of any nation, who wasn’t a war criminal?

William Henry Harrison?



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How about the leaders of all the countries that weren’t involved in any wars during their time in power?


The pathological both-sides idiot has logged on to tell us that every single leader of every single country in the history of the world has done US-style imperial aggression

They all had military though right. None of them did anything wrong?

And then let’s talk about how many were killed by governors who refused Medicaid expansion funds. Hundreds of thousands!

Evo Morales. Nelson Mandela. Jean Baptiste Aristide.

Going back to the POTUS actions I listed above. Would you agree those are war crimes or crimes against humanity? Or do you have a preferred euphemism for killing civilians?

iTs A sErIoUs qUeStIoN


Dan Carlin has a lot of insight on this, but basically "great " men are almost always bad men. Throughout all of history.

But yeah there are lots of country leaders who aren’t. NZ and Finalnd PMs for example. Hopefully aoc will be our version of that

It’s pretty hard to commit war crimes while not involved in a war.

I don’t know what you are arguing here but this sounds like moving the goal posts. Do you have a real world example of “doing something wrong” that rises to the level of war crimes?

Iron81 on US military actions:

“Switching warfighting from boots on the ground to drones represents a move to the left.”

Who cares about the body count abroad, we’re moving because we don’t risk as many american lives in the process. Could not be more obvious that these lives do not matter to you. Just shut your fucking beak when this subject comes up you psychopath

Fair enough if we are being specific about the definition you would need to be involved in a war.

I am moving the goal post but purposely to make a point.

First, I’ll say again. I am a staunch pacifist. I believe violence is always wrong. Period.

That being said, my goal post shift was to point out all military action is morally criminal. The entire point is violence. However, like all things it’s not black and white.

At a basic level all leaders who engage a military are being morally reprehensible. I get annoyed though when people lump all their actions into one bucket. GWB knowingly starting a two decade war on false information is not the same as Obama ordering a military strike that turns out to be based on bad intel and kills civilians.

The next 200 posts in this thread are going to be fucking awful.