The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

In my experience, statutes are rarely that precisely written, especially state-level statutes. Really, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Often times when I run across a very precise provision in a statute it was clearly done for a corrupt purpose, like written so it only applied to one particular thing, that just so happens to be the property of some legislator’s friend or business interest.

I saw something about him formally transmitting it a few days ago.

He can still sign papers so that’s never going to be a thing.

Not sure where you’re going with this.

Even if he didn’t, weekend at Bernies-ing that is trivially easy. Especially since he already announced it publicly. Also Pence/Reek would just send it anyway. Who could he possibly want more than her?

You’d be surprised. I used to do a lot of family law and the statute for child custody cases says to determine custody in the best interests of the child. That can obviously mean very different things to different people, so there are quite a few cases that try to define what exactly that means.

In my state we have one “landmark” case that set a list of like 15 factors that the court should consider when determining what is in the child’s best interests. Those factors include things like “Fitness of the parents”, “material opportunities”, and the “character and reputation” of the parents. Those are also obviously very subjective.

Then there are separate cases laying out separate factors to determine whether joint custody is feasible, including the “demands of parental employment” and the financial status of the parents.

As you might guess from some of these factors, the completely neutral phrasing of “best interests of the child” has historically been interpreted in a way that gives preference to the parent with more money and living in “nicer” neighborhoods. Completely unintentional, I’m sure. And completely ignored by the men’s rights activist crowd who insist the system is set up to punish men.

It just could have created a delay.

Although I’ve done a number of forensic and quasi-forensic psychological evaluations, I’ve avoided child custody evals due to the fact I don’t like money as much as I prefer not being threatened or subject to bogus state board complaints.

Mike Lee pozzed and working from home. Take one off the whip count for, presumably, ~2 weeks.

Smart choice.

I was honestly floating on air for months after I was able to leave that job. Legitimately traumatic, and a large part of it was dealing with my clients and their toxic relationships with their ex-spouses.

I had a client call me screaming at the top of his lungs about how he was going to drive to his wife’s workplace and kill her because she didn’t agree to some relatively minor financial concession in their separation agreement. I believed him. I had to call the wife’s attorney and warn her to get her client out of her workplace to safety, and then was freaking out about a possible attorney grievance for breaking attorney/client privilege.

I can’t imagine the stuff the custody evaluators go through, and the manipulation they have to deal with from parents and kids who have been coached.

Things are getting interesting. With 2 GOP positives, they’re theoretically below 50 for at least two weeks. I suppose they could have hearings but are they really going to do remote hearings for a SCOTUS appointment?

Both Covid senators are on judiciary.

They will do whatever is needed to confirm her.

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If enough R senators are incapacitated long enough, or this somehow triggers events to let Biden replace RBG - I may start wondering if there’s a God.

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They aren’t incapacitated, and they will do what it takes to confirm their justice. Thinking otherwise is just silly wishcasting.

They’d take one of those adrenaline shots to the chest if it wakes them out of their COVID stupor enough to vote. It’s the cumulation of the entire conservative movement. What else are they going to do, pass legislation?

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Welp, looks like we are going to need that court packing sooner rather than later.

Hours into the new session, Alito and Thomas are calling for the overturning of Obergefell. Now that dat bitch is dead, its time to reign in Christian Dominon!


I must have a pathological issue that compels me to write this every few months:

I hate Alito so much.

Also, fuck Kim Davis:

Kim Davis, a former county clerk in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, was responsible for authorizing marriage licenses. Davis is also a devout Christian. When she began her tenure as clerk, Davis’ sincerely held religious beliefs–that marriage exists between one man and one woman–corresponded with the definition of marriage under Kentucky law.

Kim Davis was divorced three times.


What would be easier to pull off? Impeaching 1-2 current Justices like Kav Drinksitall, or packing the court? Do you need 67 to convict?

He was a bad politician. He was a GOAT level president.

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