The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything



Oh no. I didnā€™t know he was an anti BDS guy, although I seem to recall a handful of people coming out against it at the time that surprised me. Thatā€™s what I get for basing his progressive bona fides on Twitter dunks. Also other people pointed out several CA people I had forgotten about like Ro Khanna and Katie Porter.

Basically, I retract my broad based attack on the fine people of California.

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Iā€™m extremely confident people will be primarying them. Extremely.

If they win and donā€™t pack the court, itā€™ll be as obvious that theyā€™re in on it as a result of the inaction as itā€™s obvious now to them that the GOP is never ever operating in good faith.

Agreed. They should call it the Voting Rights Act of 2021 and include statehood, national holiday, etc. In fact make it a four day weekend. Monday is your day off to ā€œresearchā€ your vote, Tuesday you vote. Make the GOP oppose a four day weekend lolā€¦

The good thing about nuking the filibuster is you should be able to do more at once and more quickly. If I were Biden Iā€™d have the largest transition team in history: weā€™d have teams preparing HR1, COVID bills and SCOTUS packing all at once with separate Congressional liaisons for each.

Iā€™d pass them all the first week and minimize the airtime the GOP collective freakout gets for each individually.

But I expect Biden to spend the first 100 days learning that McConnell is still the Party of No guy.

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The body of the late Supreme Court justice, who died Friday at 87, will first lie ā€œin reposeā€ at the Supreme Court building, on Wednesday and Thursday, and then the Capitol on Friday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Monday.

Died on Friday and will be lying in state for 3 days from tomorrow and GOP have already secured a vote for a replacement ā€¦ fucking ghouls.

Make The Entire Conway Family Irrelevant Again 2020


They have all decided they support the nominee without even knowing who it is. He could nominate Don Junior for all they know.

Did you see the GOP platform? Itā€™s basically ā€œWhatever Trump Wants 2020ā€


He could literally get Harriet Miers confirmed right now.

Not even ā€œbasicallyā€. It was literally that.

WHEREAS, The RNC, had the Platform Committee been able to convene in 2020, would have undoubtedly unanimously agreed to reassert the Partyā€™s strong support for President Donald Trump and his Administration

RESOLVED, That the Republican Party has and will continue to enthusiastically support the Presidentā€™s America-first agenda;

RESOLVED, That the 2020 Republican National Convention will adjourn without adopting a new platform until the 2024 Republican National Convention;


My #HotTake is the GOPā€™s internal polling must be so bad they have no choice but to ram a SC judge through. If they knew they are keeping the Senate and WH, they wouldnā€™t be rushing this. There would be no need to do this quickly. They could pretend they have conservative core principles and blah, blah, blah.


Thatā€™s possible but a logical alternative to this is that their polling shows that ramming a justice through will help them at the polls.

LOL where is @SweetSummerChild to reiterate this take.

My primary candidate is living proof that people donā€™t give a shit about wonky stuff like this. Yeah, weā€™re talking about it a lot, but when it comes time to vote, people care about the economy, jerbs, and apparently whether they are allowed to keep being racist around their neighbors.

Voting rights might be a winner, but SCOTUS? You have like 90% of the voting age population in this country thinking that the president can unilaterally make laws (not just stupid Rs, either), they donā€™t fucking know how the government actually works, and they donā€™t care. The supreme court may as well be in another country to them.

Why do you think, as time went by and it looked like Pete actually had a chance, that he stopped talking as much about this stuff? He never changed his position. He still planned on doing it, and spending his day 1 capital on it, but heā€™s not dumb and he knew that to reach a larger audience, he had to start talking about the ā€œkitchen tableā€ crap.

It is gratifying to see the chattering class talking about this stuff now, at least.


Perhaps, but I figure theyā€™d jam it through no matter what since they have the power to do so.

I didnā€™t say the challengers would winā€¦

Yeah thatā€™s my point though. The voting rights stuff helps so much that Iā€™m not worried about SCOTUS backlash. Also, letā€™s for once make the GOP explain all the shit nobody wants to pay attention to.

Oh, I realized you meant primary voters wonā€™t care about court packing. Thatā€™s ok, you run on healthcare and bringing the fight to the GOP. 'This guy wonā€™t fight for you, heā€™s a pushover who sells out to corporations. Iā€™m ready to go fight like hell for the middle class and working class, and Iā€™ll only take donations from people."

RBG though? I mean every woman under the age of 50 knows Roe v Wade will get overturned. The younger generation may not vote for Biden but they will for RBG.

Thatā€™s why you need a tougher D President. Need someone who will do what Trump did to Sessions (but for good reason, not selfish covering up my crimes reasons).

For someone who has spent many posts telling people to move on from the ā€œrestaurantā€ that was the primary you sure spent a lot of time also not shutting up about how your special boy got screwed

The ā€œkitchen tableā€ crap from the ā€œchattering classā€, is that how you refer to Pete shitting on Medicare for All and concern trolling about millionaire children when free college came up?

Pete sucks because he spent political capital to screw the poor because thatā€™s what his wine cave buddies wanted.


Iā€™m just saying that the Republicans taking actions before the election will motivate voters on both sides and I donā€™t think it is obvious who it will help more.


Remember all the Republicans in '16 saying ā€œYou canā€™t hold up a SC seat for an entire year and not expect massive ramificationsā€? Me neither.

People have short memories and/or donā€™t give a shit.


I guessed that they wanted the earliest date after the funeral. But I think Saturday is the same day as the funeral.

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