The Shredders Ball

Some stupid motherfucker over at 2 + 2 just asked me why I posted a random picture of Alex, adding that he’s a fan

this is the conversation

Get off the boat

Vernon out the Goat gate here

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You find a new favorite band? lol I need to know much more early dream theater. Think I’m being pulled that way.

I didn’t realize this guy was still touring regularly. If you like Dream Theater then Liquid Tension Experiment is an obvious pick.

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I’m the sheep that you need for your angle.

Front page of ESPN right now:

That yellow one is a Prince cloud guitar. :vince3:


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love how near the end he hints at that riff

Adding Olly and Marty to complete my top 5. rekt

And Skolnick for to 6ix :vince1:

and Ty Tabor to complete the 7 draft



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Watch me suffer, try to cover up the pain chord.

And I stand on the roof in the rain.

Cohanim , lest any man deem himself just and pious

More Revstars showing up in here last few days than I’ve seen in my life.