The Science & Technology Thread

There is a plan to do that in space. Elon just talked about it at the new energy summit in Riyadh.

They think they have the technology to pull it off

Don’t we already have that? It’s called the Sun and solar panels.


It’s called a replication

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There’s a crypto coin called HarryPotterObamaSonic10inu that has a $100M market cap rn. The marketing for it is just the devs posting twitter videos of themselves smoking crack.

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The system works


Haven’t watched yet. Not expecting her to provide a final judgment but my hope level is way down.

This FYP pretty much summarizes the video segment. Maybe just “down” instead of “way down”.

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So you are basically redefining cold fusion to not mean fusion anymore.

No, I am not. I wasn’t clear. What I’m doing is allowing for the possibility of other explanations. But I still think fusion is the likely explanation. If you polled those actually working on cold fusion today, a large majority would probably agree it is most likely fusion. LENR was a rebranding to try to get out of the reputation trap cold fusion was/is in. I didn’t like the change but I wasn’t consulted.

I believe what Fleischmann meant when he said calling it fusion was a mistake was that it was premature to do that at the press conference in 1989. You can judge for yourself here:

But that is not fusion.

You don’t know this. Repeating it is not going to make it more convincing.

Hot fusion gets all the money because we have shown fusion at high temperatures exist and is energy positive by making a bunch of bombs and we have a solid theory on how to possibly do that in a controlled way and extract enery from it.

You keep saying we. I take it you work on hot fusion. Relax. Nobody is coming for your money. You’re getting more than ever and I generally support that. Even if physicists have always treated it like a zero-sum game, it’s not. Still, would it be too much to ask, after 80 years and $55B, if that’s even the real number, when we can expect the first joule of net useful energy?

The reason LENR get little funding is also because nobody has come up with an accepted theory on what it is and how it could be energy positive.

I don’t think lack of a theory is a significant factor at all. Look at high temperature superconductivity. There is no good theory for that either, but one paper + twitter doubled SC company stocks. Observation is what matters, though bad PR can drown that out if you don’t have a clear result. Especially if people are motivated to trash you. It looks like Kim and coworkers could are about to find that out.

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This is the most fun we’ve had in physics since cold fusion.

Lol. It’s not just me!

Goddammit. It’s a coinflip I end up homeless.

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:thinking: 9% still pretty high, considering the dogpile happening rn.


Phillip Ball isn’t open to shit. LK-99 is dead as far he’s concerned. Kim and his co-authors will get a chance to respond but the way the establishment is coming down on them they might want to consider defecting to North Korea.

Moar like JK-69. This stuff is basically just copper foil at room temperature isn’t it?



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Ok, good one. Ball otoh has no sense of humor.

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*Feynman never brushed his teeth. Ofc that caused problems with his teeth but he was still sure it was a myth that brushing was necessary.

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Can’t find a cite but I’m pretty sure I heard on a podcast that some people either because of age related dementia and/or impairment in the part of the brain that processes faces sometimes hallucinate that people have large sharp exaggerated teeth, you’re welcome.

No real news. Screw him but maybe Philip Ball called it right this time.

LK99 Update

Standing Room Only

Tued 5 September, Korea University, Seoul

General Chemistry 101 at Korea University is the largest freshman science class. But even then enrollment this quarter has doubled to over 400 students, many not even in the Science or Engineering departments.

University administrators were forced to reallocate the largest lecture hall to GC 101, and annoyed while they did it, as they were pretty sure that now of the many of students would drop it after the first week.

The most daring of these had snuck into the hall hours earlier and written in large capital letters on the board “IS IT TRUE?”

Professor Young Hwan Kwon, was poised and assured, and gave his audience what they came for… the deets

⁃Kwon denies Hyun Tak’s claims of academic dishonesty.
⁃He is not affiliated with Quantum anymore but has a decent relationship with Lee
⁃Kwon’s theoretical methods dovetail those published by Sinead Griffith at Lawrence Berkeley
⁃Lee’s team is the only one that can create LK99 right now
⁃They are aware of all the simulations and rebuttals that have come out and have spent 20 years considering these already
⁃LK99 is difficult to produce, right now Lee’s team is the only one who can do it
⁃If LK99 could have been easily found and produced by others it would have already been discovered
⁃Kwon’s original paper was only half done due to “length restrictions”, Kwon will publish more detail
⁃Nature article is nonsense

Kwon ends the 40 minute lecture with this, perhaps creating as many new questions as he answered.

The Quantum team had earlier promised an update in early September. There is hope that a more thorough update will emerge, but we will see.

Human trials of artificial wombs could start soon. Here’s what you need to know