The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Imagine trying to explain Top Shot to Joe Biden.

Biden speeches, like Hillary’s, sound like they were written by a committee of democratic wonks. It’s terrible and helps explain why many folks are alienated from politics and even supported Trump. The policy is mostly good but the rhetoric is C+.

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If asked for an example of “job of the future”, i wouldn’t have picked “metallurgy”

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It tilts me. I’m like bring on Bernie, even though I think biden is better at government than Bernie.

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We can afford it

“Bipartisan”, drink!

Tobacco companies have a crazy level of control over the pricing, in the US at least. They micromanage pricing between stores down to the county level, from what I understand.

I agree on the part of “less than 7% of income for childcare”. Go read thinking fast and slow and simplify your message FFS.

The drug companies are taking out ads against Joe because he’s the one bringing down drug prices

Lithium is a metal. Batteries need lithium. Lithium mining is jobs. It’s all coming together.

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Ted Cruz has a mask with “come and take it” and a rolling pin on it

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How about, “the first lader is a teacher. A model teacher.” I want some shivs.

looooool camera cutting to Romney after the corporate tax line.

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No tax increase on anyone making up to 400k wow so generous

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0.3% of Americans get ready

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Rolling pin, huh. I watched Obama’s pastry chef talk about O’s favorite pie. Apple. He was a real president. I had tears in my eyes.


Fuck omg now you’re gonna get me going

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650 leeches

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Metallurgy workers can make sharp guillotines.