The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

I remember dating in my teens and twenties and having people who had grown up middle class plus act as though their entire lives had been ruined when they would miss something like a concert or something because of bad variance… And not being able to be around them anymore after that because I just couldn’t handle it. This happened with three different people in five years.

I don’t know what it is about people who have never been poor, but they totally lack any self awareness about how good they have it… and it’s really grating for everyone else to smile and nod along with them. Which we all have to because they have all the money lol.

And yes in the end I married someone with a very similar background and trajectory to mine. The whole ‘opposites attract’ thing is bullshit and so is Cinderella. Prince Charming would be the most annoying dbag in the world IRL.


Could you cite an example of this phenomena?


Do you want my super dark assessment?

Barring that, yeah, it’s madness that a bunch of Macedonian teens convinced a bunch of USA#1 dumbs to maga this shit up and people are still pretending that didn’t happen In Real Life.

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p.s. bear in mind I have no idea what the original topic was

Yes but I have no intention of doing so.

It’s also used when a person simply wants to maintain credibility with the nihilistic forces that govern much of public debate.

Joe should have let kamala talk about this and then for his bit focus on how he’s gonna lock up Trump and Javanka


Biden is like, “yeah it sucks tho that justice took this long” meanwhile Trump is free af

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If he did this then 98% of media coverage this week would be about “some are questioning Biden’s capacity to lead” and 2% about racial justice.

And the “nothing will fundamentally change” bois will catch the vapors


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Sometimes people just die

haha followup to that stupid Sinema picture:

All profits from the sales of our F*ck Off ring for the rest of the month will be donated to @nationalemploymentlawproject who fight to raise the federal minimum wage. We appreciate the attention brought to our work by the recent events with @kyrstensinema and we want to put our money towards an organization that is fighting to protect workers and build systemic change. You can follow them and donate directly to them, too. Thanks for your support! (For more info check out our last post).) If you are an Arizona resident we hope you consider contacting Sinema directly at 317 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-4521

Original IG post from Sinema, ICYMI:


Lmao that is great. The ring says fuck off and it’s like we here at the fuck off ring company are a family company that prides ourself on paying our workers a living wage and would never want our brand to be associated with this horrible person so we’re giving away all the money we make on this item to charity.


hope the help is concentrated around poor communities, and communities of color, but yeah, this is a step in the right direction.

Should Biden’s entire agenda become law, the U.S. educational system could morph from a 13-year guarantee — where children are entitled to free education from kindergarten through 12th grade — to a 17-year promise, where prekindergarten is available starting at age 3 and tuition is free through two years of community college.

Already, Biden has signed into law the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package, which injects $125 billion into the K-12 system and nearly $40 billion for higher education — more than doubling the Education Department’s annual budget. It also included a one-year expansion of the child tax credit, expected to reduce child poverty by half, that Democrats hope to make permanent.

Then Biden proposed a huge infrastructure package, which includes $100 billion to rebuild schools, plus $48 billion for the workforce development system and $12 billion for community colleges.

This month, Biden unveiled a discretionary budget proposal that seeks a 41 percent increase in the Education Department pre-pandemic budget, far more than any presidential request since the agency was created in 1979. It includes additional money for community schools, students with disabilities and school counselors. Biden also signaled that he would request a big increase in the Pell Grant, which subsidizes college tuition for low-income students, when he makes his full budget request.


Speaking of mega assholes, I saw this take down video on Dan Bilzerian yesterday.

I enjoyed it.

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I never understand these people who try to do “takedowns” of Dan by pointing out that he’s a womanizing asshole trust fund kid, something he readily admits to being.

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fuckin’ sellouts