The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Hey maybe having random IT professionals from USDA or whatever staff our child prisons isn’t a great idea. Idk.

Geez are conditions that bad for the staff too?

Also immediately after the shelter was completely closed and the children were being moved elsewhere but the shelter wasn’t closed because of anything relating to this incident? We are looking for room in shelters and this one just closes for no apparent reason, yeah okay…

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He seems to have clearly shifted to the left to some degree from VP Joe Biden or Senator Joe Biden. I dont really see a shift to the left from candidate Joe Biden.




I think this needs to be broken down by party affiliation to mean anything. This is probably something like 96% of Republicans think illegal immigration is the biggest issue of our times.

Just got this in the mail. I guess trump normalized this shit and we can now expect self congratulatory wastes of paper and money anytime the government uses our tax money to actually help us?

If there’s one thing the government needs to do vastly more of and get better at it’s marketing. This is a shitty start since mailers have barely worked for at least a couple of decades… but at least it’s marketing.


I want one so I can frame it

Best President ever! Build Back Better!!


Millions of people literally think Donald Trump wrote them a personal check.

That is like 5% of what Democrats should be doing to educate morons. If they wanna be racist halfwits that’s fine, at least try to show them it will cost them thousands of dollars to vote that way.

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To be clear I agree dems should be marketing and taking credit for helping people. This way of doing just feels…trumpian in some way.

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This is pretty wild.

Coastal elites

Yeah that’s not a good sign.

Eh it might not be a bad sign necessarily, especially if dems don’t use this as an excuse to adopt Republican fiscal policies (@SweetSummerChild come at me). I know a few people in that income bracket that are very liberal, and aggressively anti-Republican, so I want to hope that social and democracy issues are maybe finally starting to Trump taxes for 65% of rich people.

The problem is Democrats are massively fucking up personal taxes. A highly educated W-2 banker or lawyer or accountant or doctor gets absolutely hammered by taxes and will be eager to jump back to the GOP at the first sign of perceived non-insanity.

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If that group won’t accept current tax rates just give up on a progressive society. They need to be paying more as along with the next rung down of professionals for half the things this board wants to be viable and sustainable.

I think many professionals will pay for a fair society but having professionals work 50 hour weeks and pay huge taxes on their employment income while people with inherited wealth and hedge fund managers pay less is a travesty. It alienates the professional people because it undermines the social contract.