The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK


That’s the creepiest Bible I’ve ever seen. WTF. Does the WH keep this around for swearing in presidents?

It’s a 130 year old Biden family heirloom according to some talking head last night.

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Bibles that old are that big. It’s probably made with calf skin or something.

Biden family bible definitely made with the skin of aborted fetuses imo.


That thing is haunted, look at that shit.


I’m pretty sure reading from that thing out loud would summon an undead army


Showing up with the Necronomicon will certainly put all rumors of a satanic pedophile ring to rest.


Dr Biden was definitely freaked out about it. She handed that sucker off in a millisecond after Joe was sworn in.



Each President picks the one they’ll use. And some have used multiple.

Some fun facts:

  • For the illuminati heads, the Washington bible was borrowed from a Masonic lodge

  • My guy John Quincy Adam’s was like, “forget the bible, I’m going to use this law book.” #1stamendment

  • Obama and Trump both used the Lincoln bible. Maybe Obama didn’t know Lincoln was a Republican? Not many people do…


Even if they get rid if the filibuster most of that stuff would not pass.

I am pretty sure the democrats couldn’t get fifty votes to say the sun is likely to rise tomorrow.

There is no simple “blow up the filibuster gg” path. It’s way more difficult and really is going to have to come down to the issue they feel strongest about and can get the support for.

I think the democrat leadership in the senate is awful and I have zero faith in them at all. So blowing up the filibuster remains meaningless.

Schumer can’t even keep turtle from controlling the senate as the minority leader.

The democrats are not close to a rock solid block. I can easily see different random Democratic senators not supporting various bills.

Would be nice if this were that simple but the democrats can have 59 votes and screw the pooch.

I don’t look at any of those and think yup that is a lock, all 50 will vote. Meanwhile I can easily see all 50 republicans opposing any of those.


Her kid’s name was Freemason. There were a couple of other lines that made it pretty obvious if you watched all the way through. Also she’s semi-famous now for doing these.

~ ~~~~~~~~~~ WARNING SATIRE AHEAD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Will Dems Nuke Filibuster?
  • Lol no
  • Only for a few specific bills
  • Yes

0 voters


This is a positive for Biden’s presidency.

Or is it as the lost audience has gone to more extreme networks and “YouTube journalists”.


Yeah this isn’t good. They didn’t go to CNN. Well my Mom did. So maybe a few did. Basically some fraction of whatever suburban moderate Rs flipped to Biden. But 98% of it has to be OAN, Newsmax and youtube.


Voting yes, but with the caveat that I don’t expect them to do it before July

If I’m ever sworn in as president it’s going to be with a Gideons bible from a cheap motel.

If it is more low key than actual reality it is not satire it is just really bad parody.

This has come up in several cases here in the past. It remains the same.

Pretty much zero chance anyone attempting political satire now or recently is funny.

I am glad you enjoy it but it’s stupid. What is more stupid when people share the bad parody and have to be all “It’s just satire man”. The failure is not on the person who “didn’t get it”.

This kind of satire has legitimately been dead for many years now.

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It was the kid’s first name. Did you even watch it all the way through? “Don’t touch that Freemason… because it’s mommy’s medicine.”

Also how well edited is. Moron MAGA housewifes do one long take. They can’t manage editing.