The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

I guess I wouldn’t care what the billionaires were doing with their money if they were paying their fair share. They aren’t so it seems like we should be solving the obvious problems on Earth like clean drinking water or access to health care before wasting trillions on a Mars boondoggle.

It’s obvious the billionaires won’t voluntarily do it so they should be forced to.


There’s a fair amount of commuter rail around here

And really, the billionaires that are playing space cowboys, are among the best of the bunch, relatively speaking, when it comes to how they are spending their time money. Compare that with like the Mercers or the Koch’s, just devoting lager amounts of their time and energy into turknjg the country into some kind of nightmare dystopia. It’s a sad state of affairs.


That leaves out the subway system.

I enjoy the Koch Foundation’s generous contribution to PBS.

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Billionaires are spending their employees money that they stole



Why is anyone paying attention to Larry fucking Summers, who peaked when being portrayed by an actor in The Social Network and just plain sucks.

And then take off with the money before building the railroad.

Same. Finally gave up my car in 2011 and haven’t looked back. I don’t think I’ll ever again live in a city that isn’t extremely walkable w/solid public transport.




dems learned nothing the last 4 years. just do it, and if someone challenges it as anything less than perfectly legal, tell them to present their case in court and they BETTER have the exact fuckin proper standing


Can’t believe you guys fell for POTUS’ epic April fools prank

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Hard to figure out who would actually have standing to sue if Biden did it.

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The poorly educated?

It’s a bit different when you don’t control the Supreme Court.

But my precious antique norms.

How long would it take to reach the court? Years right? Would they reinstate the debt on people ?

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A lot of judicial review is just making sure the executive branch checked the box and did certain process stuff… like writing a memo. Would be shocked if this dude writes a memo saying well actually it is illegal.

Think it’s going to happen, though pretty surprised by the $50k number. Thought for sure it would be $10k… maybe it will be means tested and up to $50k.