The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK



If this thread doesnā€™t end in a flashback from a lesser main poster Iā€™m gonna be disappointed.

Except I donā€™t feel uncomfortable at all about my position of get those fucking kids out of the cages, I just think its shitty, lazy posting to retort with ā€˜kids in cages!ā€™ to anything positive Dems do.


Iā€™m struggling to reconcile my post-election awakening with how I should behave after seeing you just get gaslighted more than anybody in recent memory.

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lol I always get a kick out of your supernatural gif/image responses. They make some great facial expressions

Lol yeah and itā€™s not even related to the show either, I just think Ackles has one of the most wildly expressive faces Iā€™ve ever seen.

Iā€™ve moved on from thinking that Biden was the worst non-Bloomberg in the Democratic field to thinking his presidency is probably going to be better than what Klobuchar or Buttigieg would have done.

Hard disagree on Pete. Unsure about Klob.

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Awww, I was just going back digging for examples before you edited your post. Anyway I donā€™t think its a fair apples to apples comparison with Trump, given the depth and breadth of his other shitty policies. But I guess Iā€™m going to drop it here.


Makes you think what was on the news before trump and covid?

The media is just so lazy. I really donā€™t think theyā€™re evil or in conscious alignment with the GOP, theyā€™re just conditioned to taking the path of least resistance. The news is whatever Republicans say it is, end of story.

Maybe this is partly the Biden communications teams fault, but it shouldnā€™t be that hard to go find people who just got $5,600 and profile what that means for them. The government is covering COBRA for millions of people - go find and talk to them! Nah, just set of shop at the border and ramble on about a lack of press conferences.


Bad news sells. Good news doesnā€™t.

This is a reason why I think the US government (and other governments) need to establish more effective PR departments. Yes, government funded propaganda is bad, but people seriously never hear about all the things that the government does to make their lives work. The torrent of information about the government is the lazy reporting from the NYT and WSJ plus the overt anti-government propaganda from Fox News. All the good stuff that people hear comes from the PR departments of large corporations.

An example of the perversion - my LinkedIn feed is filling up recently with high production value videos from Amazon about their fight for a national minimum wage. You read that right - the videos are inspirations stories from Amazon workers about how when they started working at Amazon and receiving a livable wage their personal circumstances got better. I am not kidding. Do you think there are any videos from the government about how the work the Federal government does improves lives? If there are they donā€™t make it into my feeds.




Well thatā€™s fucking depressing

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Well Iā€™ve obviously missed some kind of meta narrative the last x posts. Iā€™ll just show myself the door


Itā€™s a good sign that weā€™ve reached the ā€œcanā€™t separate anger from parody of angerā€ phase of the discussion, so I can now just pretend everything is parody.

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At least this should trigger the right.

What bathroom she uses when testifying before Congress will surely be a topic of intense debate.