The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

So it should only be the kids without any families who are still being held. That doesn’t seem to be the case to me.

How quickly do you think undocumented uncle john is able to prove he is related to the kid? Edit: Also, yeah, a lot of these “relatives” are not actually blood relatives. That makes it more complicated.

And that would be the malicious compliance. ICE is going to do what it can to make this process as inhumane as possible. Every single opportunity to do something awful and tar Biden with it is going to be taken.

Because make no mistake the howls of ‘Obama had kids in cages too’ and ‘Biden is just as bad’ are by design. The goal of the entrenched interests that profit from the current system is to dirty up everyone and turn the field to sludge. Prevent the totally broken laws from being fixed in Congress legally obligating Democratic presidents to get dirty dealing with it.

Where Democrats have stood against doing immigration reform they should be held to account. But make no mistake there is no executive solution for the border. The solution is a systemic overhaul.

Show a passport?

Your passport lists your nieces and nephews?

At the very least, I think it means verifying the identity of uncle Jon and doing a background check on him. Not just the relationship, but whether this person has a home and a stable enough financial situation to take care of a kid. Will he guarantee an appearance at any future immigration proceedings? Will he risk his own immigration status (should he not be a citizen) if he fails in that duty?

Am I going to make it hard for an undocumented minor to join family members if they are also undocumented? Yes. I don’t really see a way around that.

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And you have just described exactly what is going on. Sprinkle in a surge of unaccompanied minors, and a shitty government agency that has an incentive to slow walk this shit, and there you go.


One thing that I haven’t seen mentioned (if it has, my apologies) is that an easy way to reduce unaccompanied minors showing up at our border is to let their fucking parents immigrate with them! If we were really concerned about the well-being of the kids and wanted to keep them out of the hands of potential traffickers we’d let them come with their damn parents so they aren’t unaccompanied anymore.


Aren’t we back to catch and releasing family groups right now?

It has your name on it. I guess the only real disagreement here is the level of vindictiveness of the biden admin on this topic. You think trump was a 10 and the biden admin is a 0 (they’re doing the most moral thing they can given the constraints of reality, or maybe a 1 or 2 or whatever). I disagree and think trump was 10 and biden is 6. Ultimately it’s kind of a pointless “true inner heart” disagreement that sabo always warns against. We both agree what is happening and we both agree it sucks. Plus my hearts per post average is getting crushed by having these legitimate discussions instead of just posting drive by lols.


Yes, which is clearly a good thing, but I still assume our overall immigration policies deter adults from coming and make it more likely that they send their children unaccompanied.

Sure, but of course Biden cant single-handedly overhaul our immigration system. However, he is releasing family groups, intact… So it appears to me that one of the primary motivations to send kids alone should be removed. It’s obviously still happening for other reasons.


Bernie would be a middle of the road social democrat in Western Europe, same as the soggy liberals here; Biden would be a conservative.


Yes, I know.

Why don’t we tell the kids in cages about all the small victories Biden has achieved? Like that promise to cancel student debt he’s going to sign any day now


I mean are you actively doing anything about it? I’m not, but I voted for the guy that I thought would improve the situation, and I’m still hopeful that he will. It’s still shit right now, I understand that. But if spent all my time dwelling on every instance of pain and suffering in the world, I’d be a pretty miserable person. I mean should I just be depressed and outraged at all waking hours? Can nothing positive be done in the world if there’s still kids in cages at the border?

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First time on the internet, huh

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I’m just learning. Welp, time to go google first hand accounts of various genocides over the last century.

“We made the orange man go away. Why won’t these people pipe down and let us go back to believing in incremental progress and moral arcs and the tooth fairy?”


Gonna be the most democrats thing ever when this happens