The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Advocates had strongly denounced the policy, which granted U.S. officials broader discretion to reject green card applications from immigrants the government found were relying — or at risk of relying — on public benefits, like food stamps.

You guys are the best

Biden is going to be doing some kind of special address at 8PM EST tonight.

Almost certainly about the announcement that Biden is mandating that all states open up the COVID vaccine eligibility to every adult by May 1.

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Dude went after Trump immediately. I was surprised. Good speech. Fuck the haters.


Guess we’d better go check out Trump’s reaction on Twi OH WAIT


Need a new thread title, this one is bad.


I liked the one that said “The Presidency of Joseph Manchin III”


This dude has a chance to be one of the most popular presidents ever, definitely of my lifetime.


Popularity is not a problem with Uncle Joe.

Kind of scary how easily Trump could’ve won over enough people to cruise to re-election, but managed to bungle it up to the max. Instead, Biden is gonna swoop in to grab all the accolades for getting a bit of aid to the people and just listening to scientists.

… if he wasn’t who he is. But the world’s biggest narcissist asshole can’t help himself.

I vote for Moneybagg Joe, trending on twitter, some good ass memes there


True, but he could’ve fed his narcissism by sending out a bunch of checks with his name on them. Also, I think his minions were gonna go along with whatever he claimed about Covid. Could’ve spun it in a way that made wearing masks seem patriotic instead of an affront to personal freedom. He’s just too stupid and easily out-manuevered by Mitch.

They’re gonna do another reconciliation bill in Summer, 2022, extending the anti-poverty measures, ACA subsidies and child tax credits. The GOP will universally oppose it, again, and it will pass, again. I’m fully aware of the incumbent midterm trend but the GOP isn’t even trying, they’re just all in on voter suppression.

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On Facebook right now, Staten Island firefighter spitting fire at Biden.

Narcissists don’t think this way. He’s not capable of selling any concept of a greater good. For him the pandemic is a personal attack on him. His only possible reaction is denial, blame shifting, gas lighting, playing the victim, withholding, etc. There is no play in his playbook to create a win.


Yah, you’re probably right on that point, but shipping a bunch of checks with his name on them definitely is in the narcissist playbook. I just think he realized it a bit too late and/or was out-manuevered by Bitch.


Awesome. Didn’t catch the first two minutes.

Every decent non-American knows that help is on the way because Trump was defeated. Eff the morons.

Hopefully the repubes are overreaching on the voting suppression bills by making it too obvious what they are doing (how does shortening hours and charging people that give water to people in line minimize fraud)? (SSC?)