The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Pretty sure he might leave due to poor health. Member his hands?

GOP has a super majority in KY though so no chance we get a dem senator.

Regardless Mitch fucking off is a good thing. Won’t stop the GOP from being despicable but might make them slightly less competent.

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could bashear just use the gop tactic and delay as long as possible?

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That only works if you’re a Republican, Beshear would be recalled in a few days. EDIT: I looked it up, Kentucky doesn’t have a recall process so the answer changes to “maybe”.

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In 2021 fantasyland, Mitch kicks the bucket, they vote to kill the filibuster, Manchin votes no, Sinema abstains :+1:

No wait that’s 48-50 nm.


For those wondering why Democrats haven’t done this to bad Republican bills in the past…

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Oh I guess you forget about his special progressive think tank committee!

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Per capita Wisconsin always in running for worst state. I know big boys like Florida and Texas cast long shadows but pound for pound…


This gives me dark thoughts about timing.

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I somehow forgot about Feinstein, who is also pro-filibuster. We are so fucking fucked.

I think there’s a good argument to be made for keeping the filibuster if you thought it would survive if republicans were in power and they wanted something.

Since that’s foolish…

I think Republicans are unlikely to ever fully nuke the filibuster. They can already do the two things they actually care about (taxes and judges) with a simple majority. They obviously DGAF about any of this culture war bullshit, way better to fundraise off it and fire up idiots than to actually pass super unpopular legislation.


Of course not. Even relatively mediocre progressive steps forward like the ACA are too popular to repeal. They only need to be passed once. The filibuster helps prevent that.

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hard to claim an overton window shift when people are getting less under this administration than they were getting under trump


We already knew it would be this way but lol at not a single republican voting to even debate the bill. Not Romney, Collins, murkowski, whoever.

Not even for the bill, just to debate it. Incredible.

For real we’re lucky we didn’t have a dem president during covid because literally not a single thing would have passed Congress and we would have been way more fucked.

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Even with all the eDem bullshit and political malpractice, just imagine if we hadn’t won GA.

Or if Trump had just shipped checks before the election to lock up the win.

Everyone itt seems convinced people vote based on getting or not getting money from the government.

Serious question, is there any evidence this is actually true?