The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

We’re already crapping on Biden? Ohboyohboyohboyohboy. I’ll point out that his first, and I believe only confirmee last night was Avril Haines as DNI. Yep, a torture apologist.


Cruz has Stockholm syndrome, which is weird cause I don’t think he’s ever been to Sweden.



That was…incredibly, incredibly boring music. Definitely made by an AI.

Still the GOAT, can’t be topped.

Would it be weird for a Brit to perform at the inauguration?

Agree with the above, keep politics out of the Biden thread imo.


That’s some strange love shit right here.

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I simply don’t understand the mindset that just can’t resist pointing out everything isn’t perfect when people want to celebrate for a few hours having dodged an 8 outer to a fascist state. It’s a bizarre personality trait that makes no sense to me.

As if anyone on this forum thinks things are perfect or Biden will create a utopia.


Yes please. Its really terrible form to bring up any bad things that happen under Biden. Stay positive and trust the plan people. The storm is coming and can’t be stopped.


I agree with almost all this, but it’s even more hopeless than he says because Feinstein. She really needs to die.


Ya this is a really good piece. I do wonder though if good policy really translates into electoral wins. It’s seems intuitive they are strongly correlated but I really wonder if they are.

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Popular policies win votes. Crushing the virus and getting the economy back in action will be big vote winners for sure. Problem is that the credit for those things will accrue mostly to Biden, and he won’t be on the ballot in 2022. Cramming down a lot of left priorities in this session will lose Congress, just like in 2010. My amateur playbook would run like this:

  1. Come up with a list of popular structural reforms (voting rights, DC statehood) and pricey COVID relief bills, and make the GOP senators go on the record to filibuster them.

  2. Eliminate the filibuster as a response to continued GOP obstructionism in the face of COVID crisis, 1/6 uprising, etc.

  3. Pass the popular bills.

  4. Gain ground in the midterms on the backs of expanded electorate and popular voting record.

  5. Pass a radical extremist agenda.

  6. Limit the damage in 2024 with Sleepy Joe, the Man Who Beat COVID, at the head of the ticket.


DC statehood isn’t popular with Republican voters. It’s not even that popular with Democratic voters.

Through some careful sleuthing I was able to obtain a copy of the letter Trump left for President Biden.


The problem here is that they simply don’t have the votes to do this. They must eliminate the filibuster, but Manchin and Feinstein and probably that lady in AZ are all on the record against it.

I suppose that could change in the face of GOP obstruction, but I don’t see it.


And obstructing an issue like DC statehood certainly isn’t going to get there. Voting rights probably won’t either.

What are the odds, even with a senate majority, that any tax reform gets passed? I’m uber pessimistic that the rich will justifiably end up paying for the stimulus and instead it’ll be all the forum members and their kids (and if we are lucky and Earth isn’t destroyed then their grandkids)

Tax reform is pretty likely because it can be done via reconciliation (50 votes) and Joe is on the record supporting higher taxes on rich people and corporations.

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Here’s hoping. If he can do that then that’ll be an achievement I can actually respect.