The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK


Just opened a new children’s detention center. One that the Trump administration had built and hadn’t opened yet. Liberals spout vapid bullshit like “broken immigration system” and “comprehensive immigration reform” and think that letting innocent children out of prison is unworkable. What a pile of shit.


Just release all the kids to AOC. She’ll raise $20M in a day and get these kids into homes with families.


Fucking corporate dem shitlibs strike again. So excited for four full years of emtpy promises and staying status quo if not regressing.

Please please please prove me wrong Joe.


Tom Cotton doing real work for the constituents of his state where the minimum wage is (checks notes) already above $10/hour in 2021.


What does this look like, in real, practical terms? Unlike DEA agents just looking the other way, social workers, et al, would need to actively move kids to families, going outside of the current system, unless I’m mistaken. Do they sneak them out in the middle of the night and ferry them to undisclosed locations? These are social workers, not CIA agents.

If you think we should start some kind of underground railroad for these kids, great, but I’m reasonably sure something like this already exists.

I mean, i think we all agree that none of this should be happening in he first place. Yet, I still haven’t seen anything beyond “Fix it, now” and “this shouldn’t be happening”. Yes, it needs to be fixed ASAP, and no, it shouldn’t be happening. Asking employees of a government-contracted nonprofit (the article says BCFS is a nonprofit) to essentially break the law on their own dime and time is highly unrealistic.

Even AOC is saying we need to change the laws, and gives an example of a faster way to do it. but it’s not instant.

final note: @clovis8 (or anyone else ITT) do you consider a non-profit to be part of the “private sector”? I didn’t, but I can be persuaded otherwise, I think.

I’ve been in the COVID thread where I found out that producing, distributing and administering vaccines to 300 million people is child’s play, but finding homes for less than a thousand kids, many of whom have family here, is not as simple as people may think for a variety of reasons.


There are 400000 children in foster care in the United States. This is a drop in the bucket. All of them could at the very least be in foster care, instead of in prison, already, since January 20th.


No one wants to adopt or take care of kids that don’t speak English. Especially not grade school kids. Infants? Sure. But no one is rushing to take care of a 15 or 16 year old.

That’s not really true even of adoption, but you’re talking about adoption. Foster parents are paid to take the kids. There are plenty of people taking all kinds of kids into foster care.

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Lotta people would shit their pants over the prospect of spending a night in jail and these children have spent a month of the Biden administration in prison.

(The innocent adults count too, but for fuck sake we can’t even get children into homes.)


ok, this is exactly the type of utter dishonesty that doesn’t help anything. The development, production and distribution of a covid vaccine stands as one of the greatest engineering achievements of all time in human history. It will cost untold billions if not trillions in response to at least 2.5 million dead.

You can make your argument with resorting to this bullshit. It’s not difficult. You’re not making points against people who are not enemies here. You’re being a jerk to people who agree with you on largely on this issue. It’s counterproductive and not helpful.


judging by the responses ITT, I am not the only one.

Just to be clear:


Both terrible, but can we get rid of the top ones ASAP, please, while finding better solutions for the bottom one?


Regarding your edit, you weren’t the one who told me it. Dunno if you took that personally somehow. But yeah, a bunch of people in that thread were pretty confident in their abilities to distribute vaccines Israel style.


I wasn’t asking my question in terms of “should bottom of the ladder govt and contractor employees stop following their orders?”. I mean, sure yes, mass civil disobedience and direct action gets the goods, so I wish they would, and I’d do what I could to support them.

My question was more so meaning that the administration and agency heads could choose to do the right thing rather than what is currently being done.(Similar, I think, to what chads was meaning as well). So, I think you and I aren’t quite talking about the same thing on this specific point.

Hey, if you want to continue being toxic towards people who share all of your goals I can’t stop you. But I don’t have to participate with you either.

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I didn’t find micro’s comment remotely toxic.

ETA: which means we are probably interpreting it different ways.

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I don’t know about “toxic”, but I was being a jerk. I mad.


If it was thousands of children of let’s say US military members that had been detained at the border and locked up, none of us would find any of the excuses being made by politicians as to why all those kids are still locked up away from their loved ones as anything but laughable. Like imagine that was the scenario, and the Biden Admin and it’s PR staff was like…well…uhh…you know the law says what it says…can’t do anything about that…you know the president would totally stop this right now, but he has carpal tunnel today and can’t sign that executive order. We see you, we hear you, and we need you to donate and vote at the mid-term…or else the fascists will win and do what we’re doing!


thank you for clarifying. You’re right, we’re talking past each other here. That being said, yes, I agree that the heads of these departments, etc, could choose to not enforce the laws as written. But I am still left wondering what that looks like down in the trenches.

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