The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

I agree that lowering the means testing from where it was would be incredibly stupid, and I really hope that’s just a negotiating football that won’t happen.

As in, if you have the means, you can get a loan?

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I get what you are saying and I go back and forth. But here is how I look at it.

  1. Biden was sworn in 15 days ago. I feel confident in saying he’s done more in 2 weeks than Trump did in 4 years.
  2. He’s dealing with a pandemic. That is his number one problem and priority right now. It is clear they are starting from scratch 11 months into a pandemic. Think about how fucked up that is. I mean, really. It’s probably the single biggest fuck up by an American POTUS of all time. Fixing this fuck up is gonna take time and resources that normally could have been used elsewhere.
  3. He’s already issued dozens of executive orders unfucking stuff that Trump fucked up.
  4. The elephant in the room is Biden is going to be dealing with Trump’s shit the entire 4 years. We all knew that going in. Whether we like it or not, it is going to slow shit down.
  5. Best case scenario for the Dems is Biden is a transition POTUS and hands things off to a younger, more progressive Democratic POTUS.

That is exactly how I feel.


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God damned SOCIALIST Mitt “Comrade” Romney is trying to RUIN America!!!

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If you want something to be depressed about, this is it. None of this other crap is going to matter 50 years from now.


It might actually be a pretty shitty proposal on net. It kills TANF and some other assistance to fund this.

Under the latest stimulus proposal at what income levels does the benefit reduce to $0?

I don’t think any proposal has formally been introduced. There has been rumors that it caps at $50k or something.

Trump promised racism and he delivered that 110%.


Yeah I’m curious how the phase out is being proposed to work.

She now has a $200k job shitposting.


did this already happen? the tweet has been deleted

This is fucking disgraceful. It makes me so mad Im not even gonna type more than that.

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Even Liz didn’t vote against her? Wtf.


But then again - constantly being scared of all the ways Rs could break norms and fuck us seems like a losing game too.


live look at democratic leadership


Yeah this is one of those things I think will backfire bigly on dems. Wins them zero political points, does nothing strategic, and republicans will weaponize the shit out of it. Plus it’ll just make mtg a way bigger star on the right.

I don’t actually agree that republicans would just so this when they had the power regardless. Now they can, justifiably in the eyes of many, do this to AOC and it will hurt her and the progressive way more than this hurts mtg

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