The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Sounds pretty similar to Trump. Have you ever seen him laugh? Can you even imagine what him laughing or showing joy would look like?

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It’s not where you’re sitting on the train, it’s where the train is headed.

Possibly lost in yesterday’s frenzy:

Giuliani pressed Trump to eject Muslim cleric from U.S., a top priority of Turkish president, former officials say

This is the same guy Flynn was allegedly plotting to kidnap way back in the more innocent times of 2017.

He’s probably being offered up to Erdogan by Pence right about now. Assuming he wasn’t already on the plane with them, presented in shackles as a gift from our Stable Genius of Unmatched Wisdom.


I agree that the odds of any given one in the House being peeled off are much lower for the same reason you point out. The wild cards are the ones retiring.

It’s also going to be a much more partisan process in the House at that point, as fewer facts will have been consumed by the voting public - so the House Republicans will have more incentive AND more cover to stand by Trump.

If nothing else, impeachment helps by putting a handful of GOP Senators who are up for re-election in 2020 in purple/light red states into a hell of a bad spot. Plus, I think the chances are pretty good (I don’t know if that means 35% or 60%) that a bipartisan majority of Senators votes to convict, which is a powerful message to pound home in 2020. He gets to say the Senate acquitted, though, in that scenario… so maybe that’s a wash.

Also juicing turnout on both sides benefits us, because there are more of us than them.

Even when Biden does not get the nomination they may make some of it about the Crooked Bidens, and I think that’s a win for us.

Trump has officially awarded the next G7 summit to his Doral Resort.

It is still amazing that republicans silently accept this without question.


‘2016 called, and Russia wants its money back.’

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You’ll get no argument from me. The constitution is an old OS that really could use a full blown rewrite. In particular the protections for political minorities have warped into allowing political minorities to block anything from happening… in a rapidly changing world.

I was just pointing out how trash John Yoo is. Which he really is. Utter trash. He’s enormously lucky that we don’t care about justice in this country or he’d have spent 5-10 years in solitary confinement with his only exercise/human contact being getting waterboarded a couple of times a week.

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The other 6 countries should not attend.


I think Little Marco doesn’t want to have to go on the record in the impeachment trial on the Senate. It could be incredibly traumatic for him the next time he’s up for re-election, even if it is a few years away.

Gotta love how conservatives think our democracy is supposed to stop functioning and totally shut down a year before each election (unless they’re ramming through conservative judges/laws, then it’s a-okay).


Boris absolutely will. So will Andrew Scheer if he somehow becomes PM here next week.

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The Peoples Temple folks drank the Kool-Aid without question too. Fingers crossed the results will be similar. All adults in the room have been ushered out and whoever’s left accepts virtually everything without question.

Trump has awarded the next G7 to his own Miami area resort.

I have nothing to add to this lol. Simply too much.


With regard to Manafort: polonium is a helluva drug.

Stone is a true believer. The man has Richard Nixon’s face tattooed on his back.

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Yeah but they don’t have any problem with 36 month campaign cycles.

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I think that’s the correct hindsight is 20/20 read on the whole thing yeah. I didn’t believe that either of them believed in anything or feared anything more than a cell before they proved me wrong.

Just to be clear, that’s the statement from October 6.

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