The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

This is the sort of thing, like Trump’s letter, you typically have handlers whose entire job is to worry about these things. I wouldn’t blame Pence for not thinking of it, but then, I would have an aide whose expertise is in nitpicking every detail of the optics. I get the impression the bench of reliable people with meaningful insight into anything, let alone whether the small and large flags ought to be American, is no longer deep, assuming it still exists for them at all.


I got no problem with that. I hope they all rat each other out

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Trump being bitch slapped non stop for a week by Erdogan is getting tired.

This was always how it was going to end. It absolutely blew my mind when Manafort and Stone didn’t roll over on him immediately. Their willingness to go down with the ship still baffles me.

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Makes a massive difference how people in other countries perceive each other and how their government is able to spin those relationships.

It is a pretty big deal that Turkey is saying we are more important than the US. Especially in Turkey, but it also impacts globally.

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They bet on pardons. The rest know it’s not gonna happen now. Well except Rudy because he’s dumber than Trump.


I was looking for an image to post after Trumps letter and headed to google and searched images for “Erdogan laughing” and get a couple with him smiling, mostly in shouty face mode but nothing of any joy at all - soulless.

This sounds like death squads.

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The Trump administration is running with fifth stringers at this point and it only gets worse. This should make Trump unelectable in 2020 since there is no chance the situation improves but won’t matter.

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( twitter | raw text )

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The applicants are undeserving of illuminati certificates?


Frum said it, according to Keed that makes the point itself untenable.


Since we’re on the topic of the decline of journalism. That first one could be a madlib about Trump and Ukraine.



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The wise and hallowed framers also put a bunch of other mechanisms in place to make sure that our country was not a democracy but rather a country where there was a thin facade of democracy but the government was really by, for, and of the monied and landed interests. Which, sure, the system seems to be working as designed but I’m not sure that’s to be celebrated.

Your pony is in the Illuminati and undeserving of a certificate.

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His pony only qualified for for the Belluminati

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Isn’t Sondland ultimately admitting “I had a choice to do the right thing or do the crimes and I chose to do the crimes”?