The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS
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You must be new around here to not be familiar with how we like to make fun of nunnehi for being the only one with optimism ITT


I’ll be shocked if Rudy doesn’t go to jail for all of the same stuff. People care, but will that mean he’s impeached and removed? IDK. I still somewhat lean toward believing no one is going to hold him accountable, and we will have a new standard of corruption acceptable for future presidents.

I guess I’ve talked myself into some doom and gloom. I’d say impeachment itself would act as a deterrent to future presidents, but if they know all they have to do is yell and scream to complete their term, or hell, get re-elected, we will see a level of unfathomable corruption. At least with previous presidents, the requirement that their corruption be done covertly would at least set a kind of limit to the degree and pace of whatever they did.

Not if Trump suffers zero consequences. Shit will get awful, and for better or worse, it will be done publicly.

Trump has the superpower of complete and utter shamelessness. You need that superpower to even attempt to pull off what he is doing, and not sure how many people have it.

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Is this the Senate or the House? If you want to make a bet on the Senate, I’ll bet on at least one current Republican voting to convict him (so if like Collins leaves the party and votes to convict, I win even if she’s an Independent or Libertarian or whatever when she casts the vote) - but we have to have an impeachment trial in the Senate over the Ukraine stuff for there to be action.

It doesn’t have to be many to be significant. I think there are more than enough shameless people whose only meaningful restraint was the knowledge that no one would ever let them get away with it for long.


Josh Hawley

This is that part where I feel slightly bad for the dude then remember all the wretched shit he’s done over the last 10 years and am like but naaaaah. Dudes so over his head and seems clearly like the type who was able to bullshit their way to the top before figuring what wtf the stakes he was playing for are. Maybe going the Nixon route wouldn’t be so bad of a play at this point.

That said, I still think the Dems will find a way to f it all up.

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[quote=“RegretS, post:262, topic:448, full:true”]That said, I still think the Dems will find a way to f it all up.

Dems are like the dinosaurs from Jurassic Park: they always find a way to fuck shit up. Doesn’t matter if the other side brings George W. Bush or a fascist reality TV show host to the table, Dems always find a way to lose.

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I like this. Let’s keep going.

Dems are like Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, except the Knight doesn’t even bother with the riddle.

Knight: That’s the grail. Right there.
Indiana: It is a shame we don’t have more time to figure out this riddle.
K: No, dude, the wooden one. You can’t miss it.
I: As you know, my father might die. Alas.
K: Bro, it’s literally the only one made out of wood.


It’s going to end with Mitch McConnell invoking the very constitutional precedent that no President can be removed from office 1 year before the general election


The problem for him right now is nothing he is trying to pound in is landing with anyone. That is likely why he is desperately resorting to servers and email again. But with the constant deluge of new bad news for him this is not really working for him.

He has no working message to pound into the ground at the moment.

Things he thought might give him purchase like the wb report, the transcript and today’s Nancy picture are all things that immediately backfired.

He was given a gift by Schiff and he keeps trying to pound that home but it’s not taking because he already disproved it himself. He has never struggled this much to find messaging that makes an impact.

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I’ve been speculating he was doing something like this for a while. How could he know he can move markets and not try to take advantage of it? It’s not in his nature.


I agree with this, but this message is too close to “black is white” or “up is down” and it’s too easy to debunk based on what Schiff actually said. Normally Trump’s bullshit lies are not so easily disproven (Obama tapped my phones). That he’s trying to make this message work suggests he’s deteriorating.

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This list of who voted against condemning has all the usual dirtbags, including Jordan, Gaetz, Gohmert, Meadows, etc. However, two I don’t see are Nunes and McCarthy. I think that may be because there are a lot of Armenians in Fresno and central CA, and they are not fond of Turkish agression.

BTW, Tulsi abstained.

This is bullshit and wrong. At least 1/3 of his 2016 minority of voters disliked Hillary and we’re hoping Trump would shake things up in a good way. He has failed by never going beyond the base and being objectively terrible. Even if the Senate does not convict, it’s impossible for him not to go into the election completely hobbled and he loses by at least 8% vs any Dem nominee.


I’m talking about the server, not the Schiff stuff.

The Dems could have sent in the US Marshals to arrest Rudy in the middle of a Yankees game. There is absolutely all kinds of precedent to support that. Rudy has straight-up announced his intention to defy a Congressional subpoena and his lawyer uses comic sans. Pelosi could lock his ass up at any time, but she won’t.

Can you even imagine the optics of the president’s lawyer arrested at a baseball game? Public polling is already against the President, imagine if casuals see Rudy getting marched out of the stadium on ESPN.
They’re just really bad at this and they deserve to lose all the time.