The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Hilariously he said that what Schiff said was ‘bad’, not like what happened on the phone call. He is dumb af.

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I will give Pelosi a passing grade for this one day.


Senile and can’t read.
Every president should have an independent evaluation yearly.

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I see my boy Gaetz didn’t let me down.

My favorite article describing Gaetz. That opening line LOL.

Also, my favorite gif.



Yeah he is flailing. His school yard bullying tactics have failed to land time after time recently. I think when people stop responding to his childish behavior as an adult and instead as a disciplining parent it makes a huge difference.

That he has to keep reaching back for servers and emails in desperate attempts to gain ANY traction is pretty telling. Fortunately things are only going to continue to get worse for him.

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In which nunnehi forgets to switch to his main account

my gimmick of him would be ‘not marks man’

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How did I not know until now that Mike Pence’s older brother is in the US House of Representatives?

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I take comfort in his extreme stupidity. He has absolutely no idea how to effectively leverage his immense power to save himself.

I am under no illusions that Cocaine Mitch is anything other than a world class scumbag, but he’s giving signs he isn’t going to save Daddy.

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You must be new around here to say marksman is a gimmick of Nunnehi :joy:

Or is this all deflection :grin:

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I don’t know, I guess I set the O/U at 1 and I take the under.

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Now that’s an optimist.

I’m a realist. The best case scenario is that impeachment damages him just enough to narrowly lose the 2020 election.

True. So the next time I helped a homeless guy, I bought him a meal at Subway. A couple weeks later a guy outside a supermarket asked me to buy him a coffee, and I agreed. He asked if he could have a meal too, and I agreed. He loaded up his tray at the hot meal buffet so much he couldn’t close the lid, but I was still okay with it. He then grabbed a can of Folgers coffee instead of a cup of coffee, and I let it slide but it annoyed me. I mean, it’s extremely unlikely he’s homeless if he’s using Folgers, and he clearly angled me with the “can you buy me a coffee?” line. But I paid for it all, and just turned him down the next few times he asked, and he stopped asking.

He only hurt himself - if he had just gotten a meal and a cup of coffee, I probably would have bought it for him again in the future.

Very true.

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they’re going to impeach him but only on ukraine so nobody will give a damn and it’ll blow up in dems faces right? This is all how this is gonna go right? Please tell me I’m wrong

Would not have expected this.


That’s not deteriorating, that’s strategic messaging. Yeah, yeah, Trump’s a moron and he’s incoherent most of the time and he repeats himself… But some of the repeating himself is strategic. It’s what he does. He picks a message and he hammers it into oblivion. This server may just be his new thing.


Or we could go back to 2016… Crooked Hillary and e-mails.

He is good at branding/messaging, especially to low information people. He’s about to start beating this conspiracy theory like a dead horse in an effort to get the media to talk about it and to distract from impeachment.

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The R is for really.

Nah. It’s basically a neutral event at this point. People that support him will still support him. People that don’t support him support impeachment. He’ll be acquitted in the Senate and then it’ll be down to turnout in 2020. If the 2018 turnout model translates to a similar turnout pattern in 2020 he loses. If it’s closer to 2016 he wins. It’s that simple I think. He’s not losing in a landslide.