The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop
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Millions unemployed

Spikes football



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And he thinks the 1918 Spanish Flu happened in 1917. Certain things stick in his brain and are permanently planted there. Its part of the disease.

Looking forward to 2119 when Donald J Trump the 6th rails about how terrible the Coronavirus was in 2019. ā€œIt was unbelievable! The fake news media was so unfair back then!ā€

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Well, those are still alive in November anyway.

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Honestly if we just gave Trump a talk show where he got to comment on the news and everyone pretended it had the best ratings of any show ever we could be rid of him for good.


You mean sink to the level of the dastardly Republicans!?!?!? But my good name, sir! How dare you!

Trumpslate: ā€œKill moar blackies po po!ā€

Yeah if he could just sit on his sofa and comment of Fox News every day and have a rally once a week
He would be happy to be rid of the rest.

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This is pretty much what he does now. Heā€™s mad because people arenā€™t praising him, not because heā€™s too busy.

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Fly a Biden flag (5x7).

Seems like trading PR for Greenland straight up would be a better play.

So let me get this straight. The President of the United States, in the middle of a pandemic and national health crisis in which at least 137,000 people have died, supported the statement of a former game show host that the CDC and doctors are lying to us.

I mean, the fucking president is actively trying to kill us. Thatā€™s not hyperbole.


This seems like a dog whistle. Like for a Rottweiler or a Bavarian Mountain hound.


referring to this:

Anyone have good advice where to stash 401k money. Iā€™m mostly on index funds and a nice closed vanguard fund thatā€™s done very well.

Iā€™m not a day trader. I like to set and forget but pretty certain Iā€™d like to get at least half my finds in a safe harbor for the next 12 months.
PM to avoid a derail if anything specific.

There are definitely a lot of bot farms that amplify some of these dumbass hashtags and itā€™s pretty easy to spot. Last week there was a #loveisnottourism one going around, had something to do with a lady who couldnā€™t get back into Canada (sheā€™s a US citizen) to see her husband or fiancĆ©e who has cancer or something. Almost every single account I clicked on that had that in the bio had a join date of this month or last month with no followers