The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

The Mary Trump book says that all Fred Trump’s kids were so completely fucked up in the head thanks to his insane controlling of everything in their life and they basically let Fred Jr. die of alcoholism instead of helping him because their father was such a cold hearted piece of shit and they wanted his cut of the inheritance so I have no doubt that Eric, Ivanka, and Don Jr. are as evil as the rest of their entire family.

262 page law review article with 2800 footnotes on “The Degradation of American Democracy—and the Supreme Court.” Nice work by a law bro.

Conservative lawyers and judges are well aware that they are seen as extreme by academics and most informed lawyers. They are not treated with the same polite deference they were 20 years ago and are increasingly shunned by the profession. (For at least the last 20 years more women than men have graduated from law school.)

that’ll teach em! lol sorry i can’t resist, its a 262 page strongly worded letter?

It’s a systematic account of how the conservative legal movement and the GOP has undermined American democracy, with receipts. (I mean, read the portion quoted in the tweet.)


Crazies are out in force today

Really enjoyed this dissection of party appeal at the end of The Weeds episode on the DNC, which is further explored in Ezra Klein’s book Why We’re Polarized.

(It was also kind of fun going back to listen to them anticipating what the RNC would be like now that it’s over, then listening to their episode on what actually happened at the RNC)

You do have “capture your own base,” and that frustrates a lot of Republican strategies. Some members of the party, particularly elite members of the party, would like to try, or would have liked to try a couple of years ago.

But yeah, there’s a reason these conventions look different. And like, Joe Biden reflects the Democratic party. And he comes from a state where, yeah, you gotta win some people who don’t agree with you on stuff.

And Donald Trump reflects a Republican party that increasingly is just comfortable with a minoritarian pathway to power. And so that means you try to break the country in half. And you don’t even need the bigger half, you just need the slightly better distributed half. But you really need them to get out to vote, so you need them MAD.

Which makes a lot of sense to me when viewing the parties through the lens of moral framing. Conservatives tend to believe that society needs discipline and punishment to instill the greatest virtue: obedience. And there is no greater test of obedience than to defy your own interests, to silence your own fears and doubts and suffering in faith that obedience will always produce the best outcome.

Which by definition is not a rational act, so while there can be persuasive arguments, the greatest motivator is fear and anger. Keep people so upset that they show up to vote, and the rest of the time they scream, demanding improvement for issues that offer clear divides without any discernable solutions.

The very nature of the GOP’s tribal appeal now demands those unsolvable problems. If they were solvable, people would run out of things to be angry about. But if they believe the issues demand their obedience and passion, every unsolvable day will only further entrench their outrage and party loyalty.

So instead we get the dominant theme at the RNC: obedience. Unfettered pandering to Trump and a silent threat to anyone who would dare question their loyalty to him. They’re not even trying to appeal to anyone who doesn’t already agree with them. They are in some ways happy to challenge the very people they rely on, because every moment of cognitive dissonance is an opportunity to further entrench that voter’s obedience.


Today, in DC. Anniversary of the '63 March. I assume all the conservatives who quoted the I have a dream speech this week are somewhere in the crowd.

So it’s the ketchup on the well-done steak that is the modern GOP?



In an interview, Arnold said that city and county law enforcement agencies did not have enough manpower to properly police the event. He attributed that to poor communication among police agencies that day as well as limited intelligence on how many counterprotesters were planning to show up.

Well no shit, they didn’t have enough manpower because all their men were busy being armed civilians beating up peaceful protesters.

How much longer is it going to take before people understand that the police and “right wing militia groups” venn diagram is a circle?

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The N.B.A. and its players’ union announced a plan to convert league arenas — provided they are under team ownership control — into polling locations for the November election as part of an agreement to resume the playoffs on Saturday, officials said in a joint statement on Friday.



The military has all the weapons neither side has anything in comparison. It’s whole ultimately the military sides with that will decide that.

So much funny autocarburetors on this site.
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They said that in 2017 about 2018, the lying complicit fucks.

I feel like this is what happens when people who spent the last four years thinking Trump was a joke who would be easily walked in the next election wake up suddenly and way too late to the fascistic reality we are racing towards at breakneck speeds.

Hope you don’t make it!

Doesn’t matter but still made by day a little better
( twitter | raw text )

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