The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

How does approve/disapprove differ from favourable/unfavourable?

I donā€™t think it does. At least that was my interpretation.

the dnc is straight up admitting they are a personality cult.

No, thereā€™s a difference. There are people who donā€™t like Trump on a personal level but approve of what heā€™s doing. Those people will vote for him.

Approve/dissaprove is based upon the respondentā€™s opinion of his performance as president.

Favorable/unfavorable is based upon the respondentā€™s general view of the person in question.

So, anybody can be the subject of a favorable/unfavorable survey. But at this time Trump would be the only possible subject of a presidential approve/disapprove survey.

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I like the typo in the highlighted blue area. RESOVLVED. Nobody even proofreads their shit. And why bother with pesky things like platforms at party conventions anyway? The idea is to blindly follow dear leader wherever he roams.

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I remember watching the conventions last time around and feeling that, regardless of content, the D convention was at least very polished and professional. The R convention was just garbage and looked like it was produced by high school kids. I look forward to more of the same tomorrow!

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So the 2016 platform remains in effect; the one where he removed support for Ukraine

They donā€™t know how to use spell-check or grammarly. They couldnā€™t even turn on the lights at the WH the first week.


Elections have consequences.

The Rose Garden is one of them.



Well there goes my status as a hidden Trump voter. I was already to accept my role as a white mail but then they effed with the Rose Garden. Now I have to vote for Kanye.

His brain is fucking mush


ā€œHospitals are against it, because it makes them goodā€. WTF.

Fucking news. Canā€™t find a single quote from Hahn a few days ago without a deep dive and every headline is similar to ā€œFDA Approves Plasma!ā€. ffs
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