The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

I wish Obama would remake the Shaggy song “It wasn’t Me” as a response to Trump’s allegations.

That would be kind of missing the point of the original. Better would be Trump:

But they caught me with the Russians (Wasn’t me)
Caught me snoozing on the covid (Wasn’t me)
I tried to take away health care (Wasn’t me)
I was speaking on camera (Wasn’t me)
They saw the words in the transcript (Wasn’t me)
Read the words that I tweeted (Wasn’t me)
Saw the tweets that I shouted (Wasn’t me)
They hope it’ll soon be over


We definitely feel like we’re living in Get Out with you as president.


The Most Impossiblest Yet!

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Take notes Donald!

I agree with this statement, but it’s still a bad bet if he offering a far better deal on Biden winning than is available elsewhere.

It’s a free money arbitrage opportunity for anyone who is motivated.

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The fun part besides the obvious racism is Greenland has high taxes, free healthcare, no tuition fees for college. So Puerto Rico takes a step up in the world and Greenland gets to be called commies who want free stuff by the people who want to trade…
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Would love to be able to ask him “name one of those bad policies”. He’d probably say “the Iraq War” I guess.
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Seriously he is so easy to fuck up. You just do what 4 year old me loved more than anything in the whole world… answering a question answered with the word ‘why’.

Literally just make him fully explain anything he says. Any single thing. He’s going to land face first every single time.

Do not let this piece of shit change topics so that he can stay at extreme surface level without revealing his insane level of stupidity and incompetence.
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Looks like Putin’s taking care of the opposition at home in case Trump’s not around to do his bidding.

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Yeah this is definitely last call for free atrocities worldwide. If the Chinese were actually going to kill a bunch of people they had interned, this would be the time to do that for example. I expect the next 5 months to be full of uplifting stories about what’s going on in the world.

Also let’s be real the pandemic is a hell of a distraction as well. Optimal conditions for doing the really big shit.

Twitter has to be the worst social media platform for Trump, popular with a lot of younger news obsessed folks along with Russian spies, bots, and conservatives with paid for followers. Karen357131 is not real, and Trump is probably like -30 points with the baseline Twitter demo.

2016 wasn’t legitimate. I mean I guess it depends on what you mean by legitimate, but if your standard is, but it has been a while since we have had anythjng that resembles legitimate. We may never have had one, actually.

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This guy’s only figuring this out now? Who is this very learned historian who’s only realizing in 2020 that Trump is very bad?

JFC, I get that they’re trying to win over moderates, but can we get someone who isn’t four years behind the curve?

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