I’m not sure how that has anything to do with what I was discussing. Those charges are totally unrelated to crying about Democratic primary ballots only having one party on them.
This is all fine and good for us, but one of the big issues we have had with things like voter ID laws and closing polling places in minority neighborhoods is that a lot of people who want to cast their ballot dont have the means, be it transportation, time, or money, to be able to get to elections office or even have a way to google that information.
These are the people we really need to figure out how to help to get their ballots to the right place.
I’ve been in my apt a year. Last time I voted, by mail, I realized I have no convenient way to mail my ballot. No outgoing mail box! No mail box on the corner. No nearby ballot drop box. I had to walk a mile to the grocery store, where they have a mini-post office thing. Ok, not that big a deal for me but some might not bother.
Your apartment has no outgoing mailbox? That seems…odd?
It’s a small historic (old) building. Idk, maybe I’m just too dumb to figure it out but I doubt the mailperson is sorting through mail in individual boxes to see if anything is supposed to go out.
You could have just stalked the mailman and handed it to him.
Now that I think about it I have been in a place with no outgoing box but we did just put it in our box and they would take it.
Ha, they’re too damn quick in and out but they’re not supposed to do that?
He still had to put two hands on it to bring it up to his mouth.
Yeah, I think they are supposed to do that, but old mail sometimes sits in boxes a while (most people here are young so what do they care about snail mail that might be for people 3 or 4 occupants ago) and the mailperson is just stuffing the new incoming junk mail in there and saying fuck it, I’m not going through that to check for outgoing shit. Anyway, I’m not trusting my ballot to go out that way.
There needs to be a volunteer network that will drive people to their election office, similar to how people get driven to the polls on Election Day. Not sure how that would work with COVID, though.
This is what I worry about.
Do people need to deposit their own mail-in ballot into an on-site dropbox? Or can others do it for them? Not sure how it really differs from a mailman delivering the ballots. I dropped off my mail-in ballot yesterday. The poll worker asked if I signed it, but did not ask for ID. It could have been anyone’s ballot.
I like the thought, but I feel like this is just begging for someone to get arrested for election fraud. Rs are looking for any excuse.
I wonder though. The verification process comes after the dropoff, not during it. They will verify my signature on the envelope when they open it. That’s why it would be nice if one of the lawyers in our group could weigh in on whether dropping off someone else’s ballot would constitute fraud. The envelope is signed and sealed. How it gets to the election office seems irrelevant.