The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

Q: Intel says Russia is trying to hurt Biden and China is trying to hurt you

A: Russia doesn’t want Trump cause Trump is so hard on them.

Q: That’s not what they’re saying.

A: I don’t care what anyone is saying. Look what I’ve done!

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Worse than a punch in the ear. He gets kicked out of one of Hefner’s parties. Ralph Macchio was also ok in that episode.

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“If Joe Biden was president, China would own our country.”

“If and when we win, we’ll make deals with Iran very quickly. We’ll make deals with North Korea very quickly.”

Says if he lost, we’d be at war with North Korea.

If he says for $3.50 it’s over guys

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“You’d have been at war with North Korea, and it would have been a very bad war.”

Now Tucker cuts him off!

Says the man who is so terrified of Pelosi that he retreated to his golf course instead of doing his fucking job.

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Q: What do you plan to do about that interference?

A: Well, we’re going to look at it very closely. This came out just a little while ago.

“You want to start off with Russia, why don’t we start with China?”

Fuck off and eat shit you piece of shit.

I’m unveiling a tremendous new plan. Nobody’s seen healthcare like this folks. In my plan, I protect people with preexisting conditions, give subsidies to the needy, and expand Medicaid. We call it the Omnibus Biomedical Affordability and Medicaid Act, or OBAMAcare for short.


“They’re not ready because I don’t think they care about people, they care about their politicians that have done a terrible job running their cities and states that are bleeding money… You take a look at Baltimore, you take a look at so many cities and states that I’ve mentioned… They want lots of money to keep it going, for many years they’ve been bad. So all I’m doing is we’re having it out, after many years we’re finally having it out.”

“Mr. President how about all the women you’ve raped and sexually assaulted?” I want a blunt and crudely asked question (but legit)

Q: Where are you going to get the money?

A: We have the money, we have plenty of money.

Q: The 600?

A: I’m not going to say that yet.

Q: Will you say how much?

A: We have the money, we have the money.

Holy shit. Fox News cuts to Tucker Carlson, who starts singing the praises of Kanye West. My wife’s mind is absolutely blown. She has absolutely no idea why Kanye is in the news. I’m so jealous of her.


Yes keep yelling dumb fucks. Maybe your shed can reach his fucking lungs

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Oh shit I was right. Here come his club members yelping and shouting at the reporters


Reporter just got booed for pointing out that people in the room weren’t wearing masks.

“It’s a peaceful protest, so they asked if they could be here.” crowd laughs and cheers

“You have an exclusion in the law, it says peaceful protests or political activity.”

He is amazingly insecure

“They heard you were coming up and they know the news is fake, they understand it better than anybody (applause) Like the question about Russia, he doesn’t mention that Iran was in the report, because that’s the way they are. If the press in this country was honest, if it wasn’t fake, our country would be so much farther ahead.” (Ovation, the end)

Holy cow. I’ll start drinking now.

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