The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: Unconstitutional Slop

I mean the repubs had just failed to repeal and replace Obamacare and also appeared to be having trouble doing anything on taxes. It looked to a lot of deplorables like they couldn’t do anything. Then they passed tax cuts for the rich and trump’s approvals shot up.

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just mindbending that this shitshow going currently is not worthy of a lower apporval than that.

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In the Dale/AAron thread, Trump is bragging about saying Lincoln was a Republican. Didn’t the Republicans and Democrats basically flip party policies since then? Like aren’t the current Democrats more representative of the Republicans from back then?

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Yes, essentially everyone informed knows this but Republicans don’t care about hypocrisy. I mean they will in the same breathe brag that Lincoln was a Republican and then defend confederates lol.


He has had no public appearance related to the virus while in Florida.

I am sure addressing this deadly virus that is peaking right now in Florida 4 months before the election never crossed the minds of anyone on the campaign team.

One thjng that really buoys my spirit about Trump potentially not getting re-elected is that as he feels more desperate he is pushing everything back into the 2016 box. He thinks if he just reprints August - November 2016 over the same months in 2020 he can strike a second time. I am confident THAT strategy will not get him re elected, at least without massive suppression.

They dumb luck stumbled into a win in 2016 and many of the people from then are no longer around. The overall competency of his team is well below 2016 which was absurdly low to begin with.

I anticipate a lot of deck chairs are going to be rearranged over the next twelve weeks unless someone currently unknown to me seizes control of his campaign.


Yes, it’s the same trope dinesh desouza and other morons on the right Trot out, Lincoln was a republican, Democrats were the racists!

Conveniently forgetting or denying that with the southern strategy that republicans went full racist and Democrats went the other way.

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Mary writes that at family meals with his siblings, Donald "talked about all of the women he considered ugly fat slobs

Trump surely would have been banned from the old 22 politics forum for such takes.

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I really wonder what he says behind closed doors to his close circle considering things he’s said to people who barely know him while having to know there are possibly cameras around.

Dude like Trump never tones it down.

Great logic, Madoff never should have gone to jail
( twitter | raw text )

You had to ruin Latin food and condiments too, asshole.


Cliff notes:
Barr tried to fire SDNY to replace with a stooge and the head guy threw a wrench and ruined it for him, so today Barr fires EDNY prosecutor and replaced him with a stooge that will run political prosecutions for him, Durham associate. This is Trump’s re election play, running a political prosecution that will play out in the court of public opinion

Supreme court of the united states: not even the president is above the law

United states:


Didn’t Barr say that pardoning Stone would be obstruction of justice?

Don’t forget that at the root of Trump’s surprise is that he knows Republicans hate black people in 2020, so that’s why he finds it surprising that Lincoln was Republican because he knows current Republicans would never abolish slavery. He’s basically declaring that his party is the party of slavery but everyone is so taken aback by his bottomless ignorance that they let it slide.