The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Kitchen is behind Pence. The porters have to stay close.

Do they have little masks for the pieces?

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What are you talking about? You know the highest ranking general at the pentagon publicly announced he was embarrassed to participate in your “Bunker Freedom Walk”.

Also it WAS easy because these protesters are all peaceful. It is the police that are the violent pieces of shit.

He has been doing it for 50 years.

Lol they should

Biden then said, “I promise you: I am absolutely convinced they will escort him from the White House with great dispatch.”


I am guessing it was for Disney +

Only the blue pieces.

Good point by RACIST HITLER

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What he needs to say is I’ll be there myself to throw his ass to the curb. Say if Trump is on the White House grounds after noon on January 20th that he will have no choice but to stand his ground and shoot him for trespassing. Biden better be ready to crash through the gates of the white house in a tank, fuck all this pretending there will be a peaceful transfer of power.

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If he’s feeling nice, he can shoot him in the leg.


My guess is it’s Liam Fox, but he DM’d the wrong Liam

Has anyone on UP ever protested outside a Trump rally? I’m in DFW so considering driving to Tulsa to protest outside the event. Wondering if that’s a suicide mission given all the 2A love that’s sure to be there. I’m enjoying my recent recent radicalization but not sure I want my last words to be, “You shot me, you damn Magatard! Damn you straight to hell!!!”. But really, I’m ready to rustle some jimmies and that’s a target rich environment. And since he picked Tulsa and Juneteenth, what better time than then?


Pretty cool

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I’m not really a fan of Donald Trump at this point.


Pompeo just announced economic sanctions against ICC officials, anyone who supports them and, because why not, their families.

Why is he so particularly upset with it given the US has never been a party to the court? Well, maybe it’s because it’s, as he says, a kangaroo court. Or possibly it’s because as CIA director responsible for whatever the CIA got up to in Afghanistan, he is currently the subject of its investigations.

(Obviously I don’t need @narrator to tell me that he will never suffer any consequences no matter what happens next.)


Every single person indicted by the International Criminal Court has been African. Pompeo may or may not be worried. Maybe it’s just that they have the gall to investigate him.

After all this time, what made you switch?


Yeah, up to now the ICC has pretty much just investigated the losers. What’s interesting about the Afghanistan case is it’s the first time they have got the go ahead to investigate all parties to a conflict, probably just shows how weak US influence is these days. As you say it’s hard to seriously entertain that Pompeo feels threatened, but this reaction is pretty silly. Practically I’m not sure it will change anything so it’s hard to know who the audience for this grandstanding is. Will this story get much play in the US? I’d guess not, but I could easily be wrong.