The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

“Brief”. “Inspection”. LMAO

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( twitter | raw text )

The death cult is on!


George Floyd’s death wasn’t in vain!


18-25 year olds protesting outdoors vs overweight 55+ years old people packed inside.

Lets see how it plays out. I’m assuming any democratic governor will tell him to fuck off. Some may need to close their borders for a month after a rally.

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Yeah, Trump’s rally audiences are a teeming mass of underlying conditions.

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So pumped to hate watch some MAGA shitstains suicide themselves just to be in the same room as Trump and his idiotic ramblings.


I don’t know how to feel about it honestly. I don’t want to root for a bunch of people to die, even if they are awful fucking people. Obviously they’re doing it do themselves, but how much of it is their fault vs them just being dumb and falling for propaganda.

It’ll be sad, but it’ll also be we fucking told you fucking idiots.

I think he will be talked out of it, but if he isn’t I wonder how it plays out. Like what is fox gonna say when states that hosted his rallies numbers skyrocket? Say its because of rioters returning home or passing through town or some shit?

The types of people who attend MAGA rallies are the worst of the worst racist scum this country has to offer. I have no control over whether they die or live but lets not pretend the world wouldn’t be a better place without them. Trump’s and his supporters have piled up quite the body count here of mostly minorities through their handling of Covid and the covid denialism movement. I have absolutely no sympathy for them.


If we’re going to feel sorry for Trump rally attendees up in here, I’m out. Fuck ‘em. I’m not actively rooting for anyone to die but I’m absolutely going to point and laugh when it happens. These people have enabled and cheerleaded human suffering beyond comprehension.


I’m praying to a god I don’t believe in that enough of them will exercise enough caution for him to be left with pathetic turnout.

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Lol that will never happen. It will be a point of pride to show up in their best head to toe Trump gettup and scream Covid mist into the air to own the libs.


If only that dang god I’m praying to existed, but I hear theists don’t get many prayers answered either, so let’s WAAF it up.

I would feel a lot better if he opened up for rallies and got pathetic turnout. His butthurt would be epic.

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I’m hoping some governor calls in the National Guard and they tear gas the fuckers.


The only concern I have about the mouth-breathers at the rallies is them inevitably infecting others afterward. Otherwise, fuck ‘em all.


If not for essential workers being unable to avoid the MAGAs, I’d say fine, your body your choice.

Do you think we might see anyone at a rally wearing a mask? I have to think at least one or two Dem operatives will do that for optics if they know they were already infected.

I drove down I-95 from DC to Florida yesterday, seeing the situations at gas stations was quite the microcosm. In DC and surrounding suburbs, nearly 100% of people at gas stations wear masks. Get to southern Virginia and it’s all employees wearing masks, and about half the customers. NC/SC it’s the employees and 25% of customers. Savannah, GA, it’s the employees and 0% of customers. Get to our destination beach town in FL, and it’s 0% of customers or employees. Only place I’ve seen a mask in town is the grocery store where employees and the older customers wear them.

Anyway, point is these people are high on their own supply. They are going to go to these rallys w/o hesitation and won’t question the fallout. Most they will do is have grandpa stay home but he’ll be at the BBQ that weekend w/ the rest of the family that attended the rally.


Yeah, it’s really not seemly to be wishing for death, or even to be proudly agnostic about death, especially to weak willed foolish sheeple. And those sheeple have parents, and loved ones with pre-morbs, and they are going to get all into the face of the “essential” workers who slave away to keep them alive. Lots of them are going to die too.

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Florida is going to be an amazing test case of what happens when people take zero anti-covid measures.