The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Take away the dramatic music, put MAGA at the end and deplorables think it’s Donald Trump advertisement.


I think conservatives use it as an insult and lots of other people do as well at this point i think. I see it used to imply that the “woke” person is basically virtue signaling and nothing else.

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I have used it a time or two in a self-deprecating manner. Just acknowledging how insufferable I can be to my friends who don’t lean into activism hee hee. But I appreciate you saying this. It will help me be mindful of the other ways me using that term might impact people.

“Woke” is kind of a weird one because I’d say that the vast majority of uses of “woke” and “not woke” are both insults depending on context.

There is a bunch of implied sarcasm that comes along with woke. So while the sentiment that someone is woke should generally be complimentary, there’s not a perfect way to unambiguously communicate that while using the term “woke”.


much better said than i did, i could see someone using it with friends but its hard to land without sounding like an ass i think.

Thanks, you guys. I’ll withdraw it. I think she’d probably take it the right way, but I’d hate for her to think that people she worked with felt she was pretentious or virtue-signalling or something.

ETA: it feels kind of like a shame that a good term got ruined, but whatevs. Big scheme of things and all…

“Empathetic” probably gets the same idea across.
Or just use “ANTIFA!”

The funniest thing is the police received no reports about it being vandalized.


I think “woke” can be insulting because it can imply that the person is late to the party - like they just recently woke up to a reality that black people have faced for all of their lives. FWIW, I think this accurately describes my wife and me, but I don’t think it’s anything to brag about.
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This. My wife and I celebrated our newfound “wokeness” after attending protest rallies this week. It was a sarcastic reminder for us to do more, and more importantly, not to go back to sleep. For the ceremony, I wonder if you might say your friend “is awake to the realities of racism in this country” or something like that. Captures the original essence of “woke” but sidesteps the misappropriation by the right.


From 2016

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That pollster guy has the easiest grift ever.


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I think the subtlety of 1:47 is my favorite part.


Plenty of practice at it, too, from the link CanadaMatt3004 posted:

McLaughlin is most famous for his role in a historic upset: the astounding primary 2014 defeat of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor to college professor Dave Brat.

McLaughlin was Cantor’s pollster, and released a poll two weeks before the race indicating Cantor would win by 34 points.

Instead, he lost by 12—a polling flub of titanic proportions.

UP should start running some polls for fun and profit.