The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Very nice.

Now translate it into Biden.


I doubt he loses much support from the left by saying he won’t abolish the police

We are all pretty left here but do we all want to abolish the police?

And those that are so left they want to abolish the police, are they really not going to vote and give trump a better chance of winning?

I think this as a debate topic is a non issue. Just give a generic answer like no I don’t want to Abolish the police and move on

Bingo card item.

“I have a dream”


I would assume that if Trump does give some race speech, it will just be him lifelessly reading something to try to sound presidential, like he did with that one COVID speech in late March.

All Biden has to do is stand up there and look like a semi-functioning human. He can probably withstand a few garden variety gaffes. A low bar I know, but we’re taking about Joe f’n Biden here. If they can drug him up and get three performances like his last debate showing against Bernie, that’s all he needs.

Dr. Rev. Donald John Trump’s “Letter from a Pennsylvania Avenue Bunker” will go down as one of the seminal texts in the Second American Civil Rights Era.


Seems like he would have to start on the contention that there is no systemic racism within America’s police departments, since many of his minions have already asserted that. It can only go downhill from there.

I think the strategy they are underplaying is surrogates, surrogates, surrogates. Joe is supposed to be the generic Dem candidate, they should get a bunch of Dems out there to “own” different issues.

Doesn’t seem that many people who talk about invoking the 25th amendment have read it. The President cannot be removed by the Cabinet if he can dispute their judgment of incapacitation. It would then go to Congress, where the vote faces a steeper standard for removal than ordinary impeachment.

Yup sure haven’t. If that’s the standard (that he can dispute it) he’s probably safe till November.

“We love the blacks.”


I really don’t think there’s any way they could remove Trump via the 25th. They couldn’t even do it with impeachment and now they’d have to prove that he’s straight-up mentally unfit? I mean, we know he is, but I can’t imagine anyone could actually both prove anything and get enough people to vote him out. The defense would just be that he’s an asshole.

Lots of uppity black friends.

I’d guess a fair number of reps wouldn’t go that route because the same standards used to identify him being mentally unfit would apply to more politicians than Trump. Similar to impeachment. Trump is awful at getting away with this stuff in secret, so they have to let him get away with it in broad daylight or risk someone impeaching them someday for doing the same stuff.

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Key points of the racial unity speech will be Obamagate, the DNC server, and the failing NYT.


“MLK had a dream? Well I have a bigger one.”

Tentatively sketching in a bingo slot where he directly names black leaders to claim he’s done far more than them. Not sure if Obama should count but leaning no.



“MLK had dream and it wasn’t looting and rioting. No one understands MLK like I do.”

( twitter | raw text )


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