The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

Ya that’s what my dad said too. He came out when he was 64. Lived closeted his whole life so I think the idea of being outed carries more weight with him.

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Hypocrisy! Now we got him!



is this board up on the Army for Trump yet?
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Obviously not. My point is no one on the left is pointing and laughing because he is gay.

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I mean, Linzee is tied in the polls right now and control of the Senate is almost as important as the Presidency. Surely this would shave at least a few points off his support if weaponized against him. This election is literally make or break for this country continuing as a functioning democracy, the ends absolutely justify the means. Also fuck Lindsey Graham, the guy is a 100/100 piece of shit. He made his bed, time to lie down.


No. He should be punished for being against many LGBT issues while really understanding the struggle and difficulties of being gay.

If he were just in the closet and neutral on issues and didn’t represent a party who abhors gay people it would be different.

If the case he should be outed as even a worse human being than anyone could have imagined previously. Being a homophobic gay person in an incredible position of power is not good and should be attacked.


I’m not sure that’s the problem. I think everyone recognizes it as work.

The problem is that some people think it is work that you should be ashamed of because of the morality or devalues them or something like that.

I guess when it comes down to it, I’d personally be ashamed to be a sex worker, but it’s not because of the morality or it devalues me in some way. The reason I’d be ashamed is because it’s a shitty job. I’d be ashamed in the same way I’d be ashamed of working at McDonalds or being a garbage man.

Of course, there is nothing shameful in those jobs either, so I realize that makes me a dick. But is a different kind of dick that those who would use “whores” instead of “sex workers”.

As Louis CK used to say, back when he was permitted to do so, I don’t joke about Lindsey’s gayness because being gay is bad; it’s because he’s silly.

Aunt Viv

You are confusing what you would want your message to be and what it would actually be.
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I have several friends who would tell you it’s a great job and they love it. One friend has a PhD in geology but left her field to be a sex worker.

You are making a mistake victimizing sex workers.

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I don’t know what the Larry Craig incident says about Graham, but it’s gotta be something.

not touching the Graham thing until its more than just some twitter smoke, and even after that, idk

What’s the hypocrisy anyway? That he was a co-sponsor of the Defense of Marriage Act?

Anyway, no, attacking Graham is as dog whistley as any dog whistle in the dog whistle store. The point is that he’s gay. Anyone going on about it is hoping that Lindsay Graham voters will not vote for him because he’s gay. He may be a hypocrite, but any Democrats using it as a weapon are showing how shallow their supposed principles are and how it’s all theater. Imo.

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I’m not victimizing them. They just have different preferences than I do. I’m sure we could find people out there who like working at McDonalds or being garbage collectors. I would still see those as shitty jobs as well.
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