The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: retweets WHITE POWER, condemns Black Lives Matter, regrets criminal justice reform

What’s the gay equivalent of “Uncle Tom”?

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He is that for sure and it’s totally fair game.

I was familiar with the stories since before Trump, so not surprising.

The punishment for hypocrisy is to be judged by the rules you supported. I think this is totally fine, and I actually like it a lot.

Everyone knows these people are hypocrites and it doesn’t bother them one bit.

Bone spurs. Jim and Tammy Faye. It doesn’t bother them.


Republicans are ultimately results-oriented, so they only care if politicians can deliver conservative priorities. What they talk about the loudest aren’t necessarily their core priorities.

They’ll find a way to support Graham so long as he remains useful. If you want Graham out, the attack has to make him personally uncomfortable so that he resigns. Issues don’t matter.


Uncle Thomas?


Among the many reasons this is a bad strategy is that if Linsey gets outed he can just say he’s been praying to Jesus for redemption and every single Evangelical voter will stick with him just like they continue to support grifty TV preachers every single time they get caught with meth and male prostitutes.

Meanwhile, the LGBQT community watches the Dems outing people for political benefit and decides maybe they’re shitty allies who shouldn’t be trusted.

Also, outing people is just basically an all-around dick move and I’m not sure a forum full of straight dudes really appreciates that.


While I wouldn’t have published the cotton opinion, I think it might work out in the end as more people know who he really is now even though the uproar gave it more traction on the right than the nothing it would’ve actually done. I think the hate thrown at them was overblown, I’m not interested in this “let’s throw away the entire constitution” idea this forum seems to have.

well, for me the issue here is the entire opinion section is complete garbage rather than one specific article the left didn’t wanna read.

Too bad dems didn’t run anyone vs him this year just to troll him though he does have an independent challenger (who this forum would support).

People who aren’t already very closely connected with the gay community should probably avoid having strong opinions about outing Lindsey.

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I can’t imagine people of SC don’t already know the gay part, but some of the non into politics people may not know about the sex worker part but I don’t know that moves the voting needle either.

I’m of the opinion that we need to be bigger dicks to Republicans. We need more attack vectors that are not substantive, policy-based arguments.

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and they should avoid doing it.

Is gay bashing really your kind of answer? It seems like you are always hinting that you’re more of an assassination kind of dude.

The GOP wins because Democrats play by the rules and they don’t.

I agree that “LOL hes gay” is terrible, but there is a way to gain political benefit without taking that line.


I’m more of a “don’t take options off the table” dude.

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Republicans win by bullying gay people, we need to do the same thing!


Uncle Milo, imo


Maybe some Trump voters will flip to Biden if he attacks gays!

I support bullying Republicans and saying mean things to Lindsey Graham. I really don’t care if this induces him to commit suicide.

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