The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

i guess he was including all the people who couldn’t make it out on a thursday in his record-breaking total

Speaking of things that appear larger than they are. Or mistaking the large for the small.

They used to do all kinds of tricks to make the crowds look bigger than they actually were, but it seems like the Trump crowds are actually huge and enthusiastic now. It doesn’t add up to a big percentage of voters or anything, but it certainly is unpleasant.

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We are going to be hearing about Trump rallies for as long as he can make it up the steps of the dais. No way he stops having them once he’s out of office.

Or maybe he will ride off quietly into the sunset, and go build houses for Habitat for Humanity. LMFAO


Two things I took away from today’s conversation in this thread - 1) Drumph will almost certainly blame the fake news media and the fed for the impending depression, and 2) it is more than just strange that the Orange tub or ignorant is choosing Greenland of all countries. Sklansky has never been more live to getting something right.

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The Mooch is full of it. But I still want him to call Trump an autococksucker.

Is the chick in his photo the one who filed for divorce while giving birth?

Dunno, but tune in for executive time in a few hours!

You shut your damn mouth.

Damn. How do i quote?

Might just leave it there. Assume it’s about you if you said anything about australua not being a real continent

To quote, you hit reply, then select the first thing there that looks like a chat bubble


So apparently Trump made an open-ended commitment to XI Jinping that the US would not criticize China over the Hong Kong unrest:

The [recent tweets] marked a reversal from the promise Trump made to Xi in a phone conversation in mid-June. The president surprised his aides when he told Xi that he would not condemn the Chinese government over a crackdown in Hong Kong. He understood it was an internal issue in which the U.S. would not interfere, he said.

The president’s off-the-cuff commitment caused confusion within the administration. For one, aides were uncertain whether there was a time horizon on the president’s vow of silence, particularly when he went on to make a statement at least mildly supportive of the protesters.

Just another great deal from the dealsmaster.

I don’t understand the thinking behind that paper, because one of the absolute bedrock facts about humanity over the next 200 years is that there will be less ethnic homogeneity.

Like this is just fancy conservative law bro speak for Charlie Manson’s “There’s a race war a’comin.” Except they don’t actually think a race war is a’comin, so if they complain about heterogeneity their view must be, “Things will be fine with heterogeneity, but they’d be even better without it.” What can that possibly mean on any time horizon? Like do we need to consider the right amount of immigration to avoid the widespread adoption of sharia law? Sharia law must be more compelling and refined than whatever crap is in the literally millions of pages of the law books I own. It’s a vile temptress and we’ll all end up like John Walker Lind fellating Osama/Obama, whatever. Maybe it seems that way if your world view is implicitly recognized as simply one faith based option among many. Otoh, wuts up with protesters in Hong Kong flying American flags?

Like there is no possible policy prescription. Let’s take a time machine back to seventeen dickity doo, kill all the natives, and the Spanish and such, don’t do slavery, lock out the Asians, and then we can build a Strong, White America that will strike fear in the Portuguese and rival the ethnically pure empires of the Incas, Persians, and Indians.

This is just mastebatory white boy fan fiction as history/anthropology.

I regularly find that if I want to understand where “smart” conservatives come fun, I need to think about how I would regard issues when I was 14-15 years old, basically before I knew anything. Like I wasn’t a Randian proto race scientist, but, as an intellectual white dude, if I were ever vulnerable to such views, it was at that time. Some people, much dumber than me but from wealthier families, just kept on that dumb shit trajectory, which brought them to Duke, Dartmouth, Trinity, or Tulane, and did well enough in stunted environments while never learning to think, and poof conservative intellectuals.

Like I know Gorsuch is supposed to be actually smart. Scratch the surface and he took like 10 years todo a thin, barely passable dphil at Oxford with an extremeist natural rights kook advisor. Good job Neil, you proved that if ones assumes Catholic theology, then abortion is wrong. Here’s your supreme court appointment.


Trump still on that Elton John kick.

More important than the mouth is the brain. The brain is much more important.

Trump always conveniently leaves out that his rallies are free. Let’s see how many people would show up if they had to pay the price of Elton John tickets.


Here’s a byte of memory from 1953. We must promote homogeneity and limit immigration so we can advance our civilization and further refine this technology. Same with the gays.