The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

He’s like the darkest timeline version of Schindler

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Sounds like Eric to me.

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Interesting opposition party and leader of the opposition party.

Ronan F does it again… :clap::clap::clap:


I know I’m a little late on this, but I’ve been thinking the same thing for a while. It’s hard for me to reconcile because one of my best friends from high school, an extremely smart guy, is a rabbi. He also started a fantasy football blog.

I belong to a synagogue, more for the community aspect than the religion. And my rabbi is really smart and an excellent teacher. It’s just hard for my brain to process that sometimes. My temple is quite progressive, too, which is one reason we joined. My rabbi, in particular, doesn’t even care if members believe in god.

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I would enjoy discussing this topic if you would like to make its own thread.

I would do it, but I used up my remaining free time typing this post.

Yep. Been listening to Dan Carlins death throes of the republic about the Roman republics decline and fall and one thing is clear. The destroying of norms is what caused the fall of the Republic. Once they’re broken people who desire power will continue to break them to their advantage and the GOP would be way better at it.

We need to play hard obviously but we gotta be careful which norms we break that the GOP would obviously use to maximum effect.

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Looking for Rudy… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Fiona Hill still testifying? If I were her agent I’d tell her to save a little for the book. Can’t just give it away for free.

(Sure, fire the super competent spinster Russia hawk who makes Hillary seem easy going and who’s dedicated her entire life to Soviet containment. What could go wrong?)

If you’re still finding politics to be depressing and frustrating take comfort in the fact that Trump screws EVERYBODY-EVERYWHERE as its in his blood, the more you’re friends with a narcissistic individual the more he screws you.

You really think he’s paying for the help, lol you.

Still going… 10 hrs… And she has as much energy in the 10th hr as the 1st, according to Rep Denny Heck.
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You know who started the whole ‘scam’? You.
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Another picture for the can I eat it meme.

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