The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

He’s not being made fun of because of his sexual orientation. He’s being made fun of because of his sexual orientation coupled with the fact that he supports a regime that is absolutely terrible to the LGBTQ community. There is a distinction.


My pony was fellating another male pony while trampling on LGBTQ rights.

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This is absolutely insane.

I think we know which turkey is getting pardoned this year.


Best play on gay Republicans is that thing they did with Dick Cheney mentioning he has a gay daughter and that there’s nothing wrong with being gay. You could tell it was building mucho points on the heart attack meter and they should have just kept going to that for the TKO.

FORT MYERS, Fla. — Vice President Dick Cheney called himself “a pretty angry father” on Thursday after Sen. John Kerry mentioned their gay daughter during the final presidential debate — comments Kerry said were meant to be positive about families with gay children.

The vice president’s wife, Lynne Cheney, called Kerry “not a good man” and his remarks about daughter Mary Cheney “a cheap and tawdry political trick.”

WASHINGTON — John F. Kerry’s unsolicited mention during a presidential debate that the daughter of then-vice president Dick Cheney was gay still rankles George W. Bush’s closest confidants, according to books that offer an unusually intimate view of the 2004 campaign from within the former president’s circle.

Trump has closely watched that kind of public criticism in recent days — complaining frequently about comments from Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) in particular — but has been encouraged to stay the course by other allies who support a withdrawal, such as Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and Fox News Channel host Tucker Carlson, according to administration officials.

The usual argument against removing troops, according to former senior administration officials, would be that doing so would cause widespread deaths and chaos and Trump would be blamed for it.
“Normally, convincing him he would be blamed for death and chaos could keep it from happening at least at that moment,” one former senior administration official said.

I get the intention, but there are far funnier jokes to make about his hypocrisy that don’t involve making his sexuality itself a core part of the joke. I have made plenty of off-color jokes like this myself and have only recently come to see the harm they do.

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I don’t want to tell the funniest jokes about Lindsey Graham. I want to tell the jokes that would trigger his outrage the most if said to his face. I’m okay with collateral damage.

Well Lindsey isn’t reading it so all that’s left is collateral damage.


Dang Jimmy Mads was spot on.

James Madison expressed concerned that a president might “pervert his administration into a scheme of peculation or oppression” or “betray his trust to foreign leaders.”

William Davie, a North Carolina delegate, warned that “If he be not impeachable whilst in office, he will spare no effort or means whatever to get himself re-elected.”

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President Supervillain doesn’t tweet very often, but when he does, it’s pricless.

As far as any of us know, Lindsay is a straight white guy and none of these blowjob jokes are in great taste It’s 2019, there are so many other reasons to dislike him.


Trump survived his personal Vietnam by dodging STDs so he is good at war.

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A big plus 1 for hating the gay jokes.


Just to be clear, its perfectly fine to say Lindsay IS a cock, right?

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Don’t mean to derail the thread but I can’t believe there aren’t popular bands jumping on this bandwagon over the past 3-4 years. If Cobain were still alive, he’d be on top of this.

That’s not Cobain, that‘s Zack de la Rocha and he is still around, though I have no idea whether he is still making music.

LOL yea I know who they are.

What I mean is, I’m surprised no current bands have jumped on how Rage Against the Machine was ahead of it’s time with societal issues. They have been literally pointing out the bullshit of the federal government for the past 30 years. One of their videos from the 90’s has a Trump For President sign showing the absurdity of the entire thing. If Cobain were still alive today, Nirvana (Or whatever new band Cobain created) would be on top of this shit. He never really gave a fuck about money and would have no problem pointing out the hypocrisy between government and money.

Taken them back?

Guess he isn’t the only one who hasn’t drawn a line between US aggression in the ME and terroristic attacks in the west.