The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Love YOUR avatar, lol

This is a very lazy smear against people of faith.


Maybe they weren’t at Normandy, but there were fighting fascism along alongside America and the rest of the allied forces.

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Consider the source…

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Somebody finally gets it

And I always thought my 2p2 avatar was a dead giveaway

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I’ve worked with some pretty smart religious people, even Mormons.

Solid rebuttal. Filled with counter evidence. Convincing.

It’s fact that all religions have built in methods to discourage seeking counter evidence. You know this so I won’t disrespect you by posting it.

There is a very deeply-rooted connection between faith and goodness, especially in the US. It’s a political tool which has, in part, led to current breakdown in the system. There is a direct line between the veneration of faith and Trump’s assent.

In no other aspect of society is it seen as a virtue to believe something, not just when evidence is lacking, but in spite of counter evidence.

Faith is not a good thing that we should revere and respect as a positive characteristic in someone. It is a cancerous idea that eats away at freedom and democracy. It should be treated with the highest level of caution when exhibited by someone.


Agree. Most of my family have advanced degrees, are very successful and are clearly intelligent. They are also very kind people who honestly think they are doing good, even though they are wrong.

Evangelicals and tRUmp supporters in general have no credibility to claim religious superiority when they actively and aggressively rebuke the actual teachings of their religious paragon. Christ’s teachings centered upon helping the less fortunate, welcoming thy neighbor, thinking of others and treating them as you would wish to be treated.


Who are you calling cynical?!

Some more cynical than others.

But the point stands, make it easy for those of us that catch up on this thread 500+ posts at a time

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Right. I saw these videos yesterday. It ruined my day. I feel terrible and helpless as we watch innocents get slaughtered.

Someone please start a religion thread. Ive got some takes but they don’t belong here and I don’t have an OP in me.

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Literally nobody wanted us to abandon the Kurds. Republicans, Democrats, even total psychos like John Bolton hate it.

The only people who wanted it are Putin and Turkey’s thug dictator. He’s on the fucking payroll people.


It is done.



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For sure yet it still doesn’t cause one republican to jump ship. Amazing.

I approve of the new Avators :+1: If SA 2nd’s they’ll stay. :grin:

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