The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS

Yeah he resigned today effective two days ago and they begged him to stay.

Such a ridiculous administration.

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This guy was supposedly the firewall between Trumpā€™s worst instincts at the border. Whoever gets that job next will not be a firewall. The guy is not a good guy at all, but whoever comes in next is sure to be a monster without any Senate confirmation or hearing. It was a disaster for them last time they tried to fill that position, so imagine what it will be like now.

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He was the guy who was heckled out of the room while trying to give a speech the other day. He probably decided the hecklers were right.

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Heā€™s not going anywhere. He signed a non-compete in exchange for $10M or whatever

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Donā€™t drop it, man. Tell me more about these secret ballots and all of the weight they hold. I donā€™t and will never have you on ignore BTW.

Dude thank you for introducing my to Hedges. Heā€™s awesoome

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Moscow Mitch can set up any rules he wants in the trial. The secret ballot is a rule that could happen if he had the guts to be such a gutless coward for his other gutless cowards. That story was 10 or 11 days ago, and some stuff the GOP supposedly really doesnā€™t like has happened since then (plus Mittā€™s shadow campaign that Trump flipped over last weekend).

Good god the last 6 hours or so of this thread is awful. I wonder why.

I actually donā€™t think they can do it by secret ballot. Canā€™t put my finger on it but I donā€™t think the Senate can vote on something in that manner.

My understanding is they can do practically anything in an impeachment trial. If they agree on that rule (the majority gets to set the rules as far as I know), it can be done. Do you have any idea where I might look to find out if they can vote by secret ballot?

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I swear thereā€™s some constitutional rule somewhere that requires that votes in the senate and the house, really any vote, be public. As I said I canā€™t put my finger on it though.

I just looked something up, and it says there are three methods ā€˜voice, division, and roll callā€™ in the Senate. It doesnā€™t say anything about prohibiting a secret ballot, but I think thatā€™s close enough to your thoughts.

Another idea is blindfolding everyone with no TV cameras, and doing a voice vote. Or having everyone turn their backs with or without TV cameras and having a voice vote. Those would sort of serve as secret ballots, though obviously everyone would have a good idea of who said Aye and Nay from their neighbors.

I only just now figured out how to ignore nunn. He occasionally writes a good long post summing up whatā€™s going on or whatever, but those exist in other places and he straight up ruins threads a lot of the timeā€¦ and honestly he lost me with the whole ā€˜we should do Pence first because then we can get Romney (???)ā€™ line recently. I canā€™t do it anymore and I keep getting baited into responding.


Thereā€™s Article 1 Section 5:

Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

Each House shall keep a Journal of its Proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such Parts as may in their Judgment require Secrecy; and the Yeas and Nays of the Members of either House on any question shall, at the Desire of one fifth of those Present, be entered on the Journal.
( twitter | raw text )

You think I want Romney? People who donā€™t are saying theyā€™d prefer Trump to completely destroy this country in the next 1 year and nearly 4 months over having some guy that a lot of people who have say would agree to (Romney is a guy who could probably get through and is solely the hypothetical in this situation). Iā€™m not advocating Mitt, but if you think I would prefer Trump to Mitt in this very particular situation I donā€™t want to ride on any trains youā€™re on. Itā€™s amazing how bent out of shape youā€™ve gotten over me, so good for you!

So youā€™re saying they need 80% for a secret ballot?

Iā€™m unsure but would guess so. Itā€™s an explicitly mentioned constitutional right for senators to demand vote transparency. I doubt thatā€™s something that could be changed even though the broader right grants each house the ability to determine the rules of its own proceedings.

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