The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS


Or the mask off version


Well hopefully I no longer have to stand at sporting events and take my hat off and pretend I give two shits about whatever jarhead they are honoring for supposedly protecting my freedoms.


What do you mean specifically? After hours, a select few people can still fill an order at the Friday closing price rather than the Sunday night (or Monday morning) open?

How much will the Saudis be paying on a per-traumatic-brain-injury basis?

You can pre and post market daily with the correct account setup.

This is why stocks gap up or down. For example close Tuesday at 100 and the opening price Monday is 95 or 105.

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Right but there are overnight markets (e.g. S&P futures), whereas idk of any weekend markets. S&P futures are almost 24-hours, but after Friday 5pm Eastern they’re closed until Sunday 6pm. If there’s some special way for elites to trade during a weekend then that’s news to me. (But I would think the person on the other end of the trade would be wondering how the hell their order got filled at the pre-gap price.)

ETA: and to my knowledge the Sunday open gap is determined by the market makers to reflect weekend news. It is a true gap, whereas the weekday equity opens are smoothly connected to the overnight markets like you said.

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Good piece on the moron dissenting judge from the Trump tax decision who gets to keep her job for life

who has the activist judges now? it’s always projection

Her dissent, however, is utterly detached from Supreme Court precedent and instead rooted in a startling and novel conception of presidential power. It rests on the assertion that “allegations of illegal conduct against the President cannot be investigated by Congress except through impeachment.” According to Rao, impeachment “provides the exclusive method for Congress to investigate accusations of illegal conduct by impeachable officials.” If the House attempts to probe the president’s alleged wrongdoing on any basis other than impeachment, he is insulated from its demands.

This claim is bizarre, shocking, and just plain wrong. There is no Supreme Court precedent to back it up, so Rao resorted to the “text, structure, and original meaning” of the Constitution.

He is sticking with this.

Holy hell. The link inside that article as to why she was a controversial appointee is terrifying. The fact she replaced Kavanaugh proves irony is dead.

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I’m not evading a question. I don’t know the answer to that and neither do you. Jeff Flake claims there are 35 GOP Senators who would convict on a secret ballot over 10 days ago or something similar. Things haven’t gotten better since then.

He clearly was avoiding my question. He made a claim, and I asked him if his claim would compare to today because of the totally different conditions of what is going on vs. then. Anyway, I’m dropping it because it’s stupid and he for sure avoided my question. He sounded almost exactly like Gardner yesterday when asked if the Ukraine phone call was inappropriate. But keep on keeping on guy who supposedly has me on ignore.


Hedges is my hero now lol check this…

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Genocide coming. He’s going for two in one week.
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Another toadie stepped down? The rats are jumping ship.