The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes BANANAS
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Matrix/Star Wars crossover pitch: Agent Smith goes to work for Jabba as a bodyguard/bounty hunter.

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Don’t ya love it when Republican fear mongers use the “he/she will be paying 95% in taxes” as if it’s 95% from the first dollar earned? It kills me that so many American dumb-dumbs don’t see this for the obviously dishonest tactic it is. They literally believe that if someone earns $5M they’ll pay $4.75M in taxes and only get to keep $1/4M for themselves. Even though they’ll probably never see those kind of earnings the unfairness of that is absurd, so they vote against their own interest. I’d say they deserve it, but…

where in the fuck are Ivanka’s pants

Just No.

John Oliver made a very strong case.

Well, he knows the Russian Troll farms are outtweeting the field.

Maybe he has a point, so unfair!


I sincerely think Don Jr has an IQ under 80.


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And that the Overton window has moved to a different galaxy in the last 50 years.

This is the country the current administration and the entire republican party is willing to become to protect their power.

Willing? More like eager.

Dinesh must have been sexually abused by someone else of color to hate brown people so much.

Yeah that tweet would, by itself, put a fairly short term (like <10 year) expiration date on his career. I’m always shocked by the level of short term thinking going on at the top of our society.

It’s like they really truly can’t see that even the most successful capitalists (where supposedly short term thinking is great) are all long term thinkers.

We spent hundreds of years trying to drill long term thinking into our leaders as hard as possible, but since 1950 or so we just threw that out the window. I really wish I understood why.

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The worst politician in American history blah blah blah. #4everHilldawg, owned this fool’s “soul” 187 times during the campaign, won the popular vote by 3 million even after the Comey letter and Russian meddling.

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